I appreciate the appeal of Slim Gal to Cow/Pig/Pachyderm TF with its obvious associations of bulky burly blubber & gluttony, but how do you feel about slender dainty graceful critters Such as deer giraffe cheetahs etc massively packing on the pounds, greedily gorging themselves stupid & succumbing to obesity; in stark contrast to their species' super-skinny stereotype? (Perhaps even as a deliciously deliberate rebellion against the stifling conformity that other Furs thoughtlessly expect of them!) ——— I actually really enjoy this trope. There is something hot about the supposed “natural” traits of a skinny, fast or elegant creature becoming upended into a slow, fat and heavy life akin to a cow/pig/pachyderm. Part of this teases the fun and sexiness of a pent up gym rat or health freak turning into a huge lazy fatty. It’s a super strong TF contrast. Cheetahs aren’t supposed to be fat, but this cheetah wants to outweigh an elephant… scenarios like this explore the reality of many peoples weight gain fetish urges! Doing as you’re told until the kink takes over like a conformity elastic band snapping back after being pushed too far! Nothing more eager than a convert. Rebellion and forbidden fruit kink fuel would be impossible to resist for some of these skinny furries. I can relate!