I HOPE EVERYTHING WILL BE BETTER SOON… hold you in my tiny hands may i for some fluffy shuchia/hiyochia thoughts 🥺🥺🥺 ——— SOBBING thank you <333 sitting in your tiny hands oh thoughts my detested /lh why is it that my brain goes poof whenever someone asks for my thoughts LOL anyway since i started shipping hiyochia since (squints) 2017 i shall start with that ...which is not an awful lot outside of my ~delusions~ so yeah! we all know eichi and chiaki are childhood friends (not), and eichi and hiyori are two bitches picking fights with each other. so i think it would be fun if hiyori got closer to chiaki just to rile eichi up. a "oh eichi-kun! don't mind me, i'm just having a good time with my friend chiaki-kun!" type of thing. there's actually fanart that goes vaguely like this and i hold it in my hand; my treasure, my everything, the "hiyoeichia tug of war" as my friend calls it www eichi aside, i like to imagine hiyochia occasionally having dance battles (like chiaizu had during the Wanted scout story) post-Rainbows/Lilith live. hiyori Did acknowledge him during that, so it would be a fun date activity— (kicked) also hiyori is pretty generous with spending his money iirc, so he would get some limited edition merch for chiaki and he will make him take it, whether chiaki wants or not. it embarrasses chiaki a lot; it makes him happy to receive something he likes, but hiyori spent his money on Him! how can he even repay him for that? but that issue is easily solved, since hiyori is always in need of someone who will carry his shopping bags :DDD shuchia. let them team up and be obnoxious about their obsessions. they are already a force to reckon with separately, so just Imagine the chaos that would ensure if they team up... mika and midori are gonna have the hardest time for sure