I'm not sure if you're still looking at this, but I have been seeing this around for a while about SU instantly dying if he is hit with Abyss Flower and it's relation to the bandages on his left wrist. I wanted to ask if this is true and if you have any more information on it because it is interesting for plot reasons. ——— Sorry for answering VERY late AAAAA. I just open retrospring today after thinking about to put it on bio again. If I understand correctly Su won't die instantly if he got hit with Abyss Flower. But he could get instant killed with AF's power to expand his wound on his left wrist to eradicate(in game EN translation use this word) him easily. Like in case of his evil female counter part take over him. And Su called that wound 'a beacon' to make him doesn't get lost in parallel world while observation (yeah...with pain from that wound to remind his identity and responsibility....) I still don't know why he is having AF in 2nd key manga tho and with his word from ER conversation make it more fucked up.(sorry for swearing but I can't find proper word to describe this) like.....U WHAT. (I open the game just for reread the conversation but still please take this with grain of salt. My English actually not good. Anyway, thank you for asking Anon! Even you might already find the answer since I answer you very late for 2 MONTHS but still thank you for your first question in my retrospring!)