I'm in love with someone, but it's clear that there's no hope for me. What would you do if you were in my position? ——— HMMM... depends sih yang kamu maksud there's no hope buat kamu itu konteks yang seperti apa dulu. Tapi menurutku selagi beliau belum punya pasangan atau halangan yang gak bisa diterjal ya gapapa dicoba dulu aja. Semisal harus ngomong (confess maksudnya) gapapa dicoba aja, karena siapa tau jawabannya baru muncul setelah itu. BUT IF itu udah bener bener gak bisa dan malah jadinya memberatkan kamu dan bikin sedih, just let it go. There will come a time when you need to stop kok alias ada waktunya kamu bakal capek sendiri. Reminder to let go of anything that does not serve that version of love in your life. Give yourself permission to let go of anything that does not want to hold your heart. So as hard as it is, as much as it hurts, have faith in the universe and have faith in yourself that you will fall in love again. But still, I hope the best for you ❤️