How would you describe a "push and pull" thing in friends to lovers trope? Just curious and wanna hear your thoughts about it! ——— Push and pull can be several things. It can be someone trying to break out of the friend zone by dropping hints, flirting, teasing, while the other pulls away because they’re scared. It can be two friends too in love not to let it slip between the cracks sometimes but too afraid to lose what they have to risk it, so there are moments of overt love but they’re always followed by a curtain draw over their feelings to keep things in the status quo. Maybe it’s thinking their feelings aren’t reciprocated so they pull away while the other tries to push closer, confused by their behaviour, a little hurt. Sometimes it’s just the natural process of the change in a relationship. All those little moments that add up to the inevitable shift. Pull me closer, push me off, come on, I dare you. Come on, I beg you. Do it. Please. Won’t you do it?