How have you organically made furry friends locally? I'd like to make more, but I feel like it will be awkward if I just show up to their regular meetups. ——— Oh man, you've hit my Achilles heel. My mode of making friends in furry has been to follow them on Twitter, start interacting, and eventually meet them in person. I have local furry friends, but I've met them online prior to meeting them in person, generally. I've been very bad at meeting new furry folks in the local area. Part of that is what you've named: I do better when I have a friend who can help me break the ice in a social group. Part of that is also that it's such a crapshoot whether I'll get along with local folks (and vice versa). I wish I had good advice on this topic! One thing you could try is offer to arrange a meetup with an activity you enjoy. Perhaps people will come who share interests!