How does your oc feel about their job? ——— Briar is very content with her job. One of her dreams after graduating college was to have her own lab, and throughout the years she could never have a lab that she could properly manage on her own until now. And she also likes the power and control that comes with the title of 'Director of Macro Cosmos Labs'. And she's also very happy with her idol career, even if she's not an active performer any longer, she knows she can go back whenever she wants to. She just likes that she can be both a scientist and an idol at the same time. For the longest time in her life, Briar lived in a way that made her think she could only 'choose' between her two passions: science and music. She was either Team Flare's Commander and head scientist, or she was just a theater actress in Unova. While she enjoyed both jobs to an extent, she didn't feel fulfilled because she missed her other passion, but couldn't find a way to perform that job in the position she was in back then. However, in Galar she got to be both the Director of Macro Cosmos Labs and also an idol, she doesn't need to choose between the two and she didn't know she could live life this way, so she's very happy with her job situation at the moment.