How do you feel when someone perfectly capable of speaking English pronounces their name in a different language? "Hello I'm KNEE-KOLOH" ——— It bothered me living in the states and having people add an 'o' to my name to justify calling me Louis, like if I was the idiot unable to pronounce my own name, yet I had to learn to pronounce Tenetta, Tyreque, Zarana, and the like, even my Peruvian classmate Jesus was called "Hey Zeus" instead of "Gee Sus" like why do you have to gringofy my name lol? Anyhoo my point is, names are given and pronounced in their language of origin, even if you speak English well you aren't going to change the accent of your name to fit, or at least I wouldn't. That said I do find it pretentious when people do it for names of different countries like PakiSTAHN, then I am like chill, but with people's proper names, I prefer to know how it is pronounced.