How do you feel about the Off The Record / Actors AU? Would you consider writing anything in that universe? Love your fics 🖤 ——— thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰 hehehe (twirls my hair) yes, i would love to do smth in the actor AU verse, ivan is SUCH a puppy to me in those 😭 i don’t have anything concrete in mind just yet though, because i feel like actors! ivan & till have a very different feel to them and their voices might be hard for me to pin, haha. ivan is such a terminal piner and sunbae till is SO…(bites drywall) UGH till dotes on him so bad and ivan’s stupid tail wags he just wants sunbae to like him…(sunbae already likes him, till is just reserved) thanks for asking! 🫶🏾🌺🌸