How can i know if i am a trans girl or if i am just another alter in my system who has a different gender, and we have simply had a host switch? ——— So, there’s two things you could be asking here, which have two different answers. First thing is, “Are we, as a collective system, a trans girl?” That is something you will all have to communicate about and decide together. Collective identities can be tricky, because really they’re just rough approximations, or ways of presenting yourselves to the outside world. Individual system members are all different, and might not always fit the system’s “collective identity” or presenting gender. What’s important is that everyone in the system has a say, and everyone deserves to feel comfortable and safe. Everyone has to come to an agreement about how to collectively present or identify, or if you even want a collective identity/presentation in the first place. If you don’t already have established methods of in-system communication, you should start by researching that! (Also, you don’t have to have a collective system identity! You don’t have to collectively be anything. We certainly aren’t—we’re different people, after all. Sometimes we use the concept for the sake of simplicity but it’s certainly not a requirement.) The other thing you could be asking is, “Am I, the individual system member, a trans girl?” This is something only you can figure out for yourself through self-reflection. Identity confusion and things like blurring or dissociation can certainly make it harder to explore your own identity and how you feel about things like gender, though. I really recommend journaling or other methods of self-expression like making art. Finding a way to identify and engage with your own feelings is a good starting point. Talking to other trans people and engaging with the trans community also really helps! Above all, you should identify in whatever way feels right. If calling yourself a trans girl or using she/her pronouns or whatever else feels good to you, you should do it! Who cares if it has something to do with your plurality, or you aren’t sure yet, or whatever else? If you decide later that label doesn’t fit you anymore, you can change it at any time, no harm done. It can be intimidating, but sometimes the best way to figure out if something is the right fit is to just take the leap and try it. Experiment with different ways of expressing gender, asking yourself how each thing makes you feel, and embrace whatever makes you feel the best. Hopefully this was helpful, I know gender stuff in systems can be complicated. We don’t have a host and we don’t experience that kind of identity confusion, so we don’t have a ton of personal experience in this regard.