Hi Kirby, I want to first say I'm sorry for trusting Spoken. I stood by her for years but I'm starting to see the behavior that you tried to point out a long while ago. I think the big one for me is how she keeps saying that she hasn't done anything wrong to your friends, but I've seen your friends firsthand get anonymous messages that were really heinous, just because they're you're friends. The other day she told your friend that they can't possibly be in a relationship because they have fictional characters they have a crush on and assumed that! When there are plenty of people she knows that have fictional character crushes and are in relationships! She's tried isolating you from every person you love and encouraged others to go to people to tell them to not be your friend anymore, trying to essentially alienate you from any form of support. I've seen this happen because I've followed her? So why is she acting as if these things don't exist Her reasoning for leaving you alone is putting you in a corner and trying to get you to forcibly say you weren't abused by your rapist recently? How in the hell can anyone sane defend Liebe? I don't think she understand there are people that also understand what Liebe did to you even if they're upset at you and I've seen people upset and uncomfortable about what she says about her. As much as I supported Spoken for a while I can't support her defending that kind of person? Everything she does even allowing other people to abuse you verbally on her pages has been abusive to you. Nothing she does is okay and it's really saddening that she couldn't extend human empathy to you for your rapist. When you were with Liebe she actually took people's side that went to her and said she was abusive, but then the moment YOU said she was abusive she changed her mind and deleted it. It isn't about what she actually believes is abuse but what will make YOU the evil person. I'm sorry I believed her and took siding with her. I'm sorry that I wanted to think he wore this bad person because you simply were talking about what happened to you. Those bruises on your body in the photos can't happen even if a police officer did something, inside of your legs and thighs is because you were held down in that area. But you said you weren't even arrested. It's the hearsay of the person who lied about people wanting to move in with you just to make you feel comfortable and safe to move with her. I don't know what to believe in her anymore, I just know that I'm very upset and I feel confused. ——— Thank u. Thank u so so much.