Hi Izumi! I'm obsessed with your art lately. You're so talented 😭❤️ I was wondering if you ever plan on selling prints or maybe releasing an art book (pls pls). I would give my last money for something like that 😍😍😍 Anyway, love you, hope you're having a nice day xoxoxo ——— Hi hi!! Sorry for only getting to this now I was logged out of retrospring for a while c: This was such a nice message to return to though thank you so much 😭❤️ I wish i could tell you I had plans for either of those but currently I don't ;; I know there's some interest though so I'll think about if there's a way i could do something like that in the future! I don't have much experience with selling art :'D Thank you so much for the interest though!! I hope you have a lovely lovely day yourself <3