Hi Ella, I saw this quote from one of my favorite characters and thought I'd share your opinion to see what you think. In the first chapter he says: "if I were to write a book where I was the protagonist, it would certainly be a tragedy." In the last chapter he says: "No, in fact everyone is equal. All those who walk this earth are protagonists of their own tragedies. That's what we are." So what do you think of this thought? ——— Helloo, so I take the character thinks of themselves as protagonist who will not get a happy ending i.e. their story will be a tragedy, they think they are incapable of living a life full of happiness, either due to their own actions Or because of how life has treated them and it's at the start, so their thought process changes by the last chapter and they now believe that everyone is equal in the way we all are living in our tragedies,nobody has this fairytale like fulfilled life despite being protagonists of their stories themselves and I believe the character has made peace with this fact, they've come to see life differently, that we all are present and here and enduring life, and thus are equal in our suffering and heartbreak That's my take on it