Hi! In guidelines it mentions that "no explicit romantic content" but in the promotional art it implies ship content between ei and yae miko with the yuletide ball, could i get more clarification on what is meant by the "no explicit ship content" rule? ——— Hi there! Our promotional art isn't meant to have any romantic implications toward any of the characters depicted. As mentioned in a previous response to another question, crushes and gossip are part and parcel of school life, so we decided to play with that theme when it came to our promotion for the Yuletide Ball. For an event like this, it's difficult to depict characters completely platonically due to the romantic implications of asking out a fellow student or colleague to a school event such as a ball. If it is executed properly in context with the said exceptions, we might be able to accept some subtle implications of romance. However, we would like to keep avoid heavily-implied romance or ship-centric content as far as possible. Hope this answers your question!