Hi! Aduh, mulai dari mana ya.. langsung ke intinya aja, gak apa, ya? Intinya aku cuma mau sampaikan kalau aku mengagumimu. I’ve been admiring you from afar and I didn’t know when it started.. but it’s been a while. If you find this creepy, then I’m very sorry, but I just wanted to let it out. You seem such a cool and fun person to be around with. Hopefully can be friend with you, or not.. have a good weekend, NK. Or is it Haikal, now? ——— Jujur kaget masih ada yang manggil NK hahaha, bebas mau panggil apa aja! Haikal boleh, Nakula boleh, suits yourself. Btw, sure I'd love to have a new friend kok so it's a yes from me.