Hey Bread Boy! Glad to see you using this thing because I have a big question for you. Were you always born in Babylon or did you and your family come from somewhere else? I thought I remembered you mentioning it before, but I zoned out. ——— Well, firstly- good to see you too! :) I just hope you're using this ask blog thingie responsibly. And for your question- I was not born in Babylon! I was born in a town not too far from it, though. A little town called Placeville. I was born and raised there for most of my life with my dog parents. Now here's where it gets kinda convoluted. Eventually, my dog parents' human parents had family come and visit. They were talking about opening up a bakery over in Babylon, for both humans and pets! And once I caught wind of that, I practically begged my parents to let me go to Babylon and work at that bakery. Once it was all sorted out, I packed my things and I went back to Babylon with my new parents! Sometimes I'll visit my original family, or they'll visit me, mainly on holidays. The move was a bit hard at first, but I'm happy to call Babylon my new home.