Here's a great truth poem by my friend tadhg o'hare: 11 hours ago for granted these things we take for granted or hear about us said strange phrases somehow planted as if out lives were dead like 'corporate human resources' when talking of human beings... which somehow then enforces the problems we're all seeing ... now I know that the world is drilled and 'mine'd by creeps who call it theirs... but tell me when did human lives become like stocks and shares in truth perhaps they've ever been as wars they've waged forever not a care... or less for those who'd die to reach their mad endeavour and here we read as yesterday of Taiwan's possible Fate when as they say... it's unified ... I bet they cannot wait when all is gathered made as one then comes the 'education' ... just like the Uyghurs in the far north west and boy that must be fun... imprisoned... tortured... 'held' at best with nowhere left to run and should any voice dissent... protest they know what will be done... ... from far north west to far south east their actions quite imperious these warlords who their madness feast with stratagems delirious for how can they even imagine the hatred they will face from those they seek to beat then win as ever is the case... and what bloody right do they have therein to 'shape' another race... okay... there was a history but that was long ago... ... if they speak of education then they themselves should know the right that is to live in peace that is a sovereign nation a nation that has prospered well and now is number one in microchip technology that shines as might the Sun two-thirds or more of the global score which cannot be supplanted... perhaps the cause of these sabre wars which none should take for granted poem © tb tadhg 2022