Hello, Ms. It's still me, the same sender who is attracted by your presence. By the way, how have your days been lately? As far as I know, you took briefly hiatus a few days ago, right? To be honest, I was a little sad throughout that time, having to resist a longing to not see you on my timeline. But when I checked again, you were already active and had reacted to my first post on you retro. Anyways, You don't need to thank me for that since you deserve that praise, and speaking of which, I've been listening to "Eyes Off You" by PRETTYMUCH lately, and it constantly reminds me of you. ——— Hello, sender! I'm sorry for the late response (again), I didn't expect that you'll still continuing the sugary messages, but thank you for swinging by again. I'm doing good, feeling positively so loved and precious today after had my favorite snacks this morning and setting my eyes on your sweet menfess, oh, also accompanied by your song suggestion while having my cheeks all blushed just like a ripe tomato. This is TMI but i'm an avid music listener and "Eyes Off You" led me to listen to the whole album of Phases EP, and "Gone 2 Long" is just so good. You have a great music taste, i must say. And answering your question, yes! Mundane things were so packed and it kept me away from here :( Oh nyo, now someone is just so adorable–how could i handle you? Ahahah, If the longing is hard to carry alone why don't you just drop by to my DM? No, please... the least I can do for you is just appreciated you by saying thank you since i don't know who you are, sender. {stubborn} Alright then, i almost write a long essay here. So, see you—i guess?— and have a great day ahead!