Hegelian Dialectic at its finest&hellip; Jeffery Tucker &ldquo;Anarchy Is Beautiful&rdquo; &ldquo;Disinformation, in order to be effective, must be 90% accurate.&rdquo;&nbsp; &mdash; Peter Dale Scott Redefine Sovereignty by Richard Haass Director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), in 2007 &ldquo;The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalization, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy,&rdquo; I Read Richard Haass' New Book (So You Don't Have To!) THE CORBETT REPORT MAR 13, 2023 <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a> Richard Haass - &ldquo;Compromise was at the heart of the process that led to the Constitution.&rdquo; James Corbett &ldquo;Actually treachery was at the heart of the process that led from &lsquo;let&rsquo;s amend the Articles of Confederation&rsquo; &hellip; guys &hellip; whoops &hellip; SURPRISE! It&rsquo;s a whole new Constitution with a whole new government&hellip;. bla, bla, bla..&rdquo; There was no treachery. Roger Sherman help write the four primary documents, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Association, Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution. James, gaslighting is going out-of-style. The Constitution is quite different than portrayed by anarchists. If you don&rsquo;t understand why laws of the land are important, then read it and learn why anarchists hate it. The &ldquo;people&rdquo; are not bound by Constitution&hellip;. only elected officials are bound by constitution. The Constitution is what made America great. Everyone who has read it and swears an oath to obey it should know why. Learn why the mob gets to rule over you &ldquo;laches incurs&rdquo; which means if you don&rsquo;t know your rights, then you don&rsquo;t have any rights. Go to: