Have you read Roxana aka How to Protect The Heroine's Older Brother? If so, your thoughts? ——— Yess I have, I really really liked that one it was saurrr interesting, what's the good part is that the fl was actually isekaid but adapted so well to the whole toxic battleground environment around her family, and she decided to reach the top and dismantle the whole family while manipulating the two most competent half brothers she had, I read that few years back so it left a very good impression on me due the storyline because most of the other manhwas had a fluffy romance but this one focused a lot on the protagonist and her actions, instead of diminishing her motive and plans down the line, roxanna's revenge is the central theme and plays out during the climax of the season. Also LOVED HER OUTFITS SHE IS AN ICON her fashion sense just chefs kiss, not to mention that the themes are pretty serious in this one as compared to other manhwas that follow the isekai trope,the story takes itself seriously when it comes to slight gorish-horror execution of plot,there is little to none justification for the villainous family she had, they're not some heroes and roxanna doesn't call herself as one too,I like her personality that was actually independent, unapologetic and ruthless, she cuts off her innocent mother to jeep her safe, plays along with her father for so many years suppressing her true motive, uses the weird obsession of dion to make him turn to her side, ends up saving the ml and fooling everyone into thinking he didn't survive so that he could escape, girlboss right there so yeah I really loved her character