Hai teteh hayfa!! Gimana kabarnya? Semoga sehat selalu dan baik baik saja aamiin. Cuma mau bilang ini, How lucky I was when I met you, you are a very good older sister. Thank you for being present in my life story. See you teteh, jaga kesehatannya yaa ——— neakk, adikku sayang!! teteh kabarnya alhamdulillah baik. teteh harap kamu juga selalu baik dan sehat ya gadis geminiku. 🥳🎉you make me feel so lucky too! having you as a lil' sis is such a gift. you always brighten my day and make everything so much more fun. thank you for letting me be a part of your life story, it means the world to me. it really is. see you soon, kawaii!! take care of yourself too ya? semangat skripsiannya adik baiknya teteh. love you lots, neak!! 🤍