GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION Gaetz Exposes McCarthy On Bartiromo’s Show … He’s Working For THEM By Staff Writer Published Bartiromo defended McCarthy’s work setting up investigation committees on the Bidens, weaponizing the government and China. Gaetz disagreed, claiming these committees had yet to produce any results, citing how Donald Trump Jr. was summoned before House committees three times in 2019 while Hunter Biden has not yet been subpoenaed. However, McCarthy stated that he is waiting for a suitable opportunity after further bank records have been looked into to call Hunter Biden to testify. In one of the many clashes in the nearly nine minute interview, Gaetz corrected Bartiromo when she said McCarthy has made the J6 Capitol videos available to anyone who wants to see them. Gaetz hit the nail on the head with on the performative nature of McCarthy’s speakership in this exchange with Bartiromo: