Fourth Quarter-School Year: 2023-2024 ections: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in you Which of the following is the formula in finding the area of a circle? A. A= pix rx 2 B. A = r² What does mean? A. rx r B. rx 2 C. A pix D D. A = pixrxr C. rx rxr D. rx 3.14 B. 41.4sq. cm C. 314sq. cm D. 31 A circular door mat has a radius of 10 cm. What is its area? A. 31.4sq. cm The base of a cylinder has diameter of 10 cm. What is the area of the ba A. 7.58 sq. cm B. 25.5 sq. cm C. 65.5 sq. cm D. 7= small circular rug has a radius of 20 centimeters. How many square ce es it occupy on the floor? A. 1200 sq. cm C. 1,256 D. 4 hrs. I am a Rubik's cube. The appropriate cubic unit of measure to be used i B. 1,250 sq. cm B. C. cu.m D. am a classroom. The best cubic unit of measure to be used is B. C. cu.m D. à cube whose edge measures 20 centimeters each. What is its volume? A. 80 B. 800 C. 8,000 D.8,000 cu Which of the following is the formula in finding the volume of a cube? A.V exexe B.V= exe C. V ex exex 3.14 How many cubic centimeters are there in 1 cu. m? A. 1,000 B. 10,000 C. 100,000 D. 1.000,000 D. V=​