Fast-food, junk-food & cheep, greasy, high-calorie c**p? Or fancy food, fine dining & luxury cuisine? What's ya fav feedism, gaining & stuffing scenario? ——— I cook a lot at home and I enjoy cooking as often as I can, which makes getting fast food a real treat of both convenience but also a BIG guilty pleasure. Getting totally piggish with a table full of hyper-processed junk would feel crazy fun and adds to that feeling of totally letting go and allowing the most sultry feederism urges to win. I also eat fast food crazy fast, so you bet I'd be inhaling at least three burgers, a kilo of fries and a box of twelve nuggets before my brain even registers it! After that expect me to be horizontal somewhere, sipping a milkshake feeling sorry for myself and my gut bloat. That's my feedee side, but my feeder side kind of likes the idea of treating somebody to insane levels of either fancy restaurant fare or lovingly prepared home cooking. I really really enjoy good food and am always talking myself out of going to nicer places... I have to remind myself that you're paying for the service, not just the food! I fixate on the ingredients and the quality, but there's nothing that can beat a professional chef in making things taste sooo good. I'd love to pamper somebody and cover the bill, giving their waistline a chance to explode in the wake of some seriously fine dining!