Every 19yo idol in a room together. Who is killing Riamu first ——— Sora and Fuyu both trying their absolute fucking best to hold back and not kill her, Ritsuko would be lecturing her endlessly, Matsuri is trying her absolute best to keep up the princess persona and not snap, Ayumu and Kanna are the only ones here trying to mediate. Kazuki and Kuro don't even know the meanings of half the shit she's saying (queue Kuro asking Kirio and Shouma later what "kys" means). Eventually Sora snaps and kills her not with his hands but his words, he delivers a devastating haiku about how she needs to get her shit together and she just explodes on impact. Fuyu was 2 seconds away from snapping and breaking her cutesy fuyu facade so she's kinda glad that Sora got there first. I don't know how long it'd take for him to kill her but I just know in my heart of hearts as a RiamuP that she would threaten to kill herself at least 19 times before Sora's words finally do her in.