Do you respect the religious beliefs of others? ——— I respect people. Respect is a gift between you and me. It must be earned. You and me, we might give us each a bit of unconditional respect in advance. But still it must be earned. Same applies to anything in your head you might want to share with me. When you think you want to share your religious ideas with me it depends on the intent. I'm fine when your religion is basically the hope that you one day will have an orgy with 3 vampire girls, or anything else you wish and find desirable and that only affects you personally. When your religion gods or demons demand you to rampage through the life, brain and souls of other people, basically bullying them around I might tolerate this unless it isn't accompanied with respective action. When you start harming or bullying my soul or body in any way with the excuse that your gods demand this, you not only lose my respect, you also lose my tolerance. My gift of respect will sure be lost before this. Be sure I never respect anything that has a foundation of subhuman shit that calls for action. If you fancy such beliefs in your privacy keep it there. Ideas are free. But you are not free to commit anything with the excuse of religion. Actually a religion that promises orgies would be bliss in comparison to the things we usually are confronted with.