DO SHARE HCS ABOUT THE IDOLS SOMETIME. I KNOW EONS BACK YOU HAD A POST ABOUT POLY CUT STUFF BUT I WANNA HEAR ANY THING ABOUT THE OTHER TWO SPLATOON GAME IDOLS ——— The other idols do not live in my head nearly as much as Deep Cut but lemme see I think the idol industry REALLY brought Marie down, not just the obvious events of finalfest to S2's hero mode. After S2 she took a break from Squid Sisters and went to therapy lol she has 30 mental illnesses and counting /lhj. She was definitely worried ab gaining weight after her idol years, and therapy helped her become less restrictive ab her eating. I think she's chubby now and much more comfortable in her skin :] As for Callie, after the events of S2 her and Marie would go to therapy together as well. Therapy besties!!! Though traumatic likely having to go thru all their experiences in the idol industry together, and especially the finalfest and events after, it only brought them closer. They're living their best lives in therapy That's a first for all these Splatoon losers. Joking. sorry. I think Callie would also have light scarring around her left eye (which her and 3 would joke ab together bc they have "matching" scars) that she covers up w makeup in public. Marie still feels some guilt ab it, but knows that it was the best thing she could've done during that Octavio fight. This is already so long so no Off The Hook hcs SORRY. I can't think of any anyway. If you'd like to send another ask for OtH hcs lmk :3