DO IT CHERRY ANON. SAMPO ISN'T USED TO BEING CARED FOR BECAUSE HE ASSUMES EVERYONE TALKS TO HIM FOR BUSINESS ONLY AND GETS SURPRISED WHEN SOMEONE DOES CARE. maybe he even feels like he doesn't deserve it 🤭🤭 -🍄 ——— wait . mushroom anon what if he just never had anyone care for him ... ever ? even before getting into the whole business stuff. who knows what kind of life hes had. hes a masked fools and maybe he has been one his entire life ? maybe hes used to this, only know this way of living. masked fools arent ones to take things seriously so why would they care about feelings ? the only difference now is that sampo Cares about belobog, he cares about the people hes met. and for some reason... they care about him too? he doesnt understand it and doesnt quite respond to it in a normal manner but he likes it. so when natasha calls him over one afternoon, hes expecting her to just ask him for some medical supplies but in reality she called him over so they can have a small meal together. and he cant seem to wrap his head around it, but hes happy nonetheless.