Could you please share the hiccup cure? ——— It's a bit hard to explain, because part of the cure has always seemed to be the fact that I guide the person I'm helping through it and thus take some of their attention away from the hiccup. But here goes anyway. Sit up straight but relaxed at the edge of your seat, hands to your sides. Take a slow, deep breath, imagine it going to your belly, sides and back. Hold it for a little bit, a couple of seconds, and then let it out and simultaneously relax every muscle in your belly and back so that you slump completely into a crunched position, like you'd attempt to touch your forehead to your bellybutton. Stay slumped, and wait for a bit before breathing in, as long as is comfortable, don't force it. Then keep breathing calmly. Usually it only takes this one time to work, but if you experience a new hiccup while in the slumped position, repeat from beginning. It works fastest if you do it right after your first hiccup and don't let it get too bad. A hiccup is essentially a spasm in your diaphragm, and I've found that this is the most effective method of interrupting it. Diaphragm is not an easy muscle to find and control so this is kind of a workaround to get it to behave in unison with your other belly muscles. I've had many people over many years do this and it's always worked. I know it sounds like I'm bragging but it's true. Hope it helps you too, even though I'm not there to guide it 😄