Can you stop posting about Palestine as if their government didn't launch a barbaric invasion of Israel last month breaking a pre-existing ceasefire ? You act as if they're free of all responsibility for their own actions & ignore any wrongdoing.. This is a civilization that extends zero rights to women & executes gays , they are not the 'good guys' ——— “Pre existing ceasefire” 😂 lmfaoo did you start watching the news on Oct 7? Maybe if you cared even a little you would know that Israel bombed innocent people in a REFUGEE camp just this July, way before this “invasion” ever happened. 300 Palestinians were killed by Israel this year alone before Oct and every single year Israel carries out brutal attacks on Christian & Muslim worshippers during their holy months. Just this Sept they went and beat up a bunch of elderly civilians for no reason. But you’re too busy being a brainwashed racist genocidal nazi to care about the facts