Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - ALL (capable adult) 'men' amidst 2 date's majority 8 billion plus USA-globally (who R not disabled, misc) have the right & responsibility 2 preach the Holy Bible 2 ANY & ALL USA-globally, never mind if 1 dies or is - gets killed 4 doing so as if 1 is truly in & of Jesus, then 1 has NO need fret (worry) about such possible - potential exhibition's like Jesus's 1st Crew SELF denyingly stood steadfast 2 Jesus's given instruction's & order's no matter what even though they were eventually hunted down & ceased (killed) 4 doing so & R with Jesus in Heaven now currently - presently via they SELF God given free will steadfast stance on & of following thru SELF denyingly 4 Jesus's eternal glory, NOT theirs individually.