ANYTHING else than (below) is "EH" GONE ROGUE of-from Holy Trinity - & like Jesus once as a child telling HIS Earthly father & mother Joseph & Mary, 'gotta B about doing my Father's work', you know what I mean so LIKEWISE B it daily 4 us all that claim 2 B in-of Jesus as Tomorrow is NOT promised 2 NO 1 & via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24. Huh however like late Kyle Reese to Sarah Connor, telling her (though I define it more so 2 date), so called terminators, Klaus Martin Schwab, Gyorgy Schwartz = George Soros & etc ELSE of Deep State, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, annual meetup Davos human rats, Globalists-Elites, George Soros & vast & various Syndicates R decide ALL OUR fate in EVERY momentary passing tick tock 'Time' microsecond, make NO mistake, it's THEM that literally-seriously NEED 2 literally DIE ALREADY & ANY who stand with THEM, fine U can literally join THEM in Hell immediately after YO last breath, so B it!