4 ALL locally-State of California-(USA) federal government 2 (verbally &/or misc internally within ie: under their individual breath) deem, "Well THEY 20 centuries-2,000 yrs ago DIDN'T help homeless Joseph & pregnant Mary with emergency-temporary housing, what makes U (innocent, NON-problematic, traumatized, NON SELF caused) homeless (USA-globally) THINK we $ (housed) HAVES (TOP-down) locally-State of California-(USA) federal government (R) gonna (NOT EVER) do it (SELF deny for Jesus-Holy Trinity = help U out) 2 date?! GO 2 the local Coroner's Morgue ALREADY, U (NONE) needs U or we can just do via movie-film, "Schindler's List", dig a hole & (fire) light U (homeless, ?-! etc USA-globally) up!" Worse is Coming MAKE NO MISTAKE like past history repeating itself!