<a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a> AND THE TRUTH WILL OUT! Over the last 21 months, as I sussed there was a load of holes in the covid narratives early on, I started to do some research, only to find that none of the official narratives made any sense. These include masks, no evidence for them being beneficial, social distancing. There were also people claiming cures for the alleged covid19 infection issues which were being suppressed, which after investigation proved correct. I posted this information online. Many friends or family thought I was wrong, some attacked me, but they had done little, or most times no independent research, they just took their position from the MSM, and now many people can see, they are not telling the truth. this is a good example of what a real honest and highly qualified scientist says, and he's not alone in speaking out immediately suffer the same fate as this interview and other scientists and highly qualified medical people. As soon as they speak out they get attacked or banned from social media. platforms. For all those people that attacked me and didn't believe me, (sadly 3 of them do now, as they suffered serious, life-threatening adverse reactions to the mRNA jab). they need to start to research more because what I have been posting is what information is out there. Believe the lying press, governments, corrupt agencies, etc. at your peril. I am sure many people I am connected to; know exactly what I mean in this post. Please feel free to share. Dr. Robert Malone and Joe Rogan <a href="">#1757</a> (December 31, 2021) December 31st, 2021 <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a>