& with as eternally ever TRUE as Holy Bible is, Yahweh Jehovah Father God 'set the example' regarding LGBTQiA with literally CEASING immediately onsite via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 aside from young female told along with all else thereof NOT 2 look back & BAM she did thus ceased in2 dust & ash (more less) as same separately with Mary Magdalene set the example' 4 us ALL USA-global men & women with turning AWAY FROM her way's & instead un2 Jesus. & Rainbow? 4 ONLY 1 reason: that God no flood dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth again, NOT 4 (above LGBTQiA)! BUT STILL this day in tick tock 'Time' (flies) Age (year) AD, worse than ever ie: fool's PRIOR 2 past The Flood, NO maintained NOTHING right-proper 'tight' & like weed's of-amidst a garden = Coming no flood but Holy retributionarily worse via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations but U humanity keep on evil-unholy & wrongly playing Holy Trinity as we humanity broke God's heart & HIS Holy set 4th moral code's as-while Devil laughs up deeming we doing it's endless past-2 date job (attack's) against God & Heaven 4 it! I NO literally stand 4 U but only-solely along HIM! U wanna do it the hard way? FINE, we'll do it YO-the hard way then, see ya on Coming Judgment day FOOL'S!