& please remember U capable volume of (MORE of us humanity than THEM of TOP-down local USA-global $ Power Elite's) majority of men & women adult local USA-global civilian's 2 teach & ALL CAN LEARN (who R capable & not disabled, misc) Behavioral Analysis id profiling skills, Martial arts-SELF defense: Jason Bourne & Natalia Alianovna Natasha Romanoff - THEY took the tick tock 'Time' 2 LEARN = SO CAN U capable adult's & TEACH it 2 Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: kid's-children-teen's WE CLEAR & YEAH I JUST DID & YEA I know, countless other's, watch OWN back = eyes-ears everywhere around U. 2 much 2 convey though none seem 2 hear & act-do, sigh oh well, all I can do is my job 4 Holy Trinity, so B it.