& OH how say late fellow human murdered 19 year old (which would have made him STILL just another 1 of Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: teen) Bro-Brother, just another Son of Adam & Eve, Darius "Darry" Jenner (Justin Jacob Long) amidst 2003's "Jeepers Creepers 2" scene (s) of trying 2 WARN (ya see the scared-worried look on his face, not funny how dare any ignore) via only minimally however briefly B-ing visually seen by-2 late fellow human Sis-Sister, just another Daughter of Adam & Eve, Minxie Hayes (Nicki Lynn Aycox) of the Coming-2 however sort of turn back-change course, misc while any volume of humanity shaking physically so bad like (eventually sooner after murdered) late fellow human Sis-Sister, just another Daughter of Adam & Eve, Dr. Amy Menser (Rose Eleanor Arbuthnot Leslie) while briefly sitting amidst SUV vehicle scared outta her mind via near ending of 2016's "Morgan".