& 2 deem, I wouldn't trust humanity USA-globally 2 mop the floor as even ever more worse is Coming! & like say, THAT of the 1970's "LIFE cereal" TV commercial with the little kid's - children sitting around the breakfast table (but more so pointing fingers in all-any which way direction with-of who's at fault, who, misc-etc did what-when, this & that else) than 2 SELF (any 1 individually of we ALL connected as a whole NECLEUS species-humanity individually) & just because of FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve NO means 2 just B careless, misc with verbal deemed internally within &/ or externally, "EH" like some careless & senseless assumed & deemed 'SNL - Saturday Night Live comedy / Looney Tunes, (?, !) misc-etc - comedic &/or EH horror else from Hell', uh NO!