"If this is related to what I tweeted, I never said Nanami hates Gojo, but he definitely dislikes him as much, hell, probably more than Utahime does. He has made it very clear he doesn't respect Gojo, and even considers him to be selfish and egocentric, so." Based on what does Nanami dislikes Gojo more than Utahime? You just mentioned that he thinks Gojo is selfish and egocentric, even Shoko who adores Gojo has questioned that he is those things also, if Nanami thinks that doesn't Utahime also thinks the same? Utahime also doesn't respect Gojo, especially because he also doesn't respect her ——— Well, based on Nanami talking about his dislike of Gojo more often and more openly than Utahime does, I said he probably dislikes him more, but maybe they dislike him equally or Utahime could dislike him more, that's also very possible.