Jason Sudeikis brings his Ted Lasso charm back to the show for an impressive evening of surprise guests and spot-on parodies Saturday Night Live opens in the Oval Office, where we find President Joe Biden (James Austin Johnson) despairing over his low approval rating and stalled agenda. He wonders aloud where the “old me” went, only to be visited by the “Ghost of Biden Past” (Jason Sudeikis). His former happy, carefree and “lucid” self reminds him of how good he had it as VP (“Easiest gig in the world – we’re like America’s wacky neighbor”) and tries to get him to loosen up with a massage and some light sexual harassment, telling him “I hope this doesn’t sound sexist, but you gotta smile more, sweetie”. Things take an even more meta-turn when the duo are joined by a third apparition: Alex Moffatt’s Biden from “March 2021”, who neither of them remember. It’s a funny and admirable bit of self-deprecation on the part of Moffat, as well as clever way to wrap up what is by far the best cold open in ages. Continue reading...