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Ocean discovered about 700 kilometres below the Earth's surface. It's triple the size of all the Oceans on Earth combined.
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Operation Highjump and the Hidden Lands of Antarctica
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The gateway to the desert, Itchan Kala, Usbekistan 🇺🇿 stands as the largest remaining preserved walled city in Central Asia. Located in the heart of Khiva, the inner fortified city of Itchan Kala is home to over 50 historic monuments and 250 traditional dwellings.
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Forwarded from KvantniPremik Kanal
Že dalj časa večja skupina ljudi spremlja te nebesne aktivnosti, jemlje vzorce iz teh kemo-jetov in po ugotovitvah iz nekaterih zasebnih laboratorijev vsebujejo različne biološke in patogene dejavnike, od mikroorganizmov do določenih kovin, kot je npr. barijeve soli in delci aluminija mikronskih dimenzij. Doslej so v teh kemičnih šobah našli naslednje snovi:
■ Pseudomonas Aeruginosa - bakterija, ki pri ljudeh napada predvsem dihala
■ Pseudomonas fluorescenca - povzroči okužbo krvi in dihal
■ Serratia marcescens - pljučnica, vnetje možganov, vnetje srčne mišice
■ Mycoplasma fermentes incognitus - vrsta patogenih mikroorganizmov, za katere se domneva, da so bili z bioinženiringom pridobljeni v ameriških vojaških laboratorijih in so jih našli pri 45 % ameriških vojakov, ki trpijo za t.i. golfskega sindroma.
■ Streptomyces, druge vrste gliv, pa tudi nekatere vrste kvasovk
■ Nekatere bakterije, ki vsebujejo specifične encime, ki lahko spremenijo genom človeka
■ Barijeve soli
■ Aluminij - delci mikronskih dimenzij - zanimivo je, da imajo ljudje, ki trpijo za Alzheimerjevo boleznijo chemtrails_stops večjo količino aluminija v možganih
■ Etilen dibromidi - dibrometan - C2X4Br2 - rakotvorno gorivo in insekticidni dodatek, vonj je podoben kloroformu; povzroča depresijo CNS, pljučni edem in draži dihalno sluz; zdi se, da je vzrok za značilen kašelj – chemtrail kašelj, ki se pojavi pri ljudeh po škropljenju določenega predela
■ Dehidrirane človeške rdeče in bele krvničke - eritrociti in levkociti
■ Fibrozni filamenti – njihova vloga naj bi bila omogočiti določenim mikroorganizmom, ki se nahajajo v tej kemični mešanici, da živi pridejo do tal, saj bi jih normalne atmosferske razmere uničile. Tako lahko na območjih škropljenja najdemo rjave vlaknate pajkove niti, ki so zelo strupene
■ Virusi in prioni niso uradno potrjeni, o njihovi prisotnosti se le špekulira.
Chemtrails Report Srbija
Že dalj časa večja skupina ljudi spremlja te nebesne aktivnosti, jemlje vzorce iz teh kemo-jetov in po ugotovitvah iz nekaterih zasebnih laboratorijev vsebujejo različne biološke in patogene dejavnike, od mikroorganizmov do določenih kovin, kot je npr. barijeve soli in delci aluminija mikronskih dimenzij. Doslej so v teh kemičnih šobah našli naslednje snovi:
■ Pseudomonas Aeruginosa - bakterija, ki pri ljudeh napada predvsem dihala
■ Pseudomonas fluorescenca - povzroči okužbo krvi in dihal
■ Serratia marcescens - pljučnica, vnetje možganov, vnetje srčne mišice
■ Mycoplasma fermentes incognitus - vrsta patogenih mikroorganizmov, za katere se domneva, da so bili z bioinženiringom pridobljeni v ameriških vojaških laboratorijih in so jih našli pri 45 % ameriških vojakov, ki trpijo za t.i. golfskega sindroma.
■ Streptomyces, druge vrste gliv, pa tudi nekatere vrste kvasovk
■ Nekatere bakterije, ki vsebujejo specifične encime, ki lahko spremenijo genom človeka
■ Barijeve soli
■ Aluminij - delci mikronskih dimenzij - zanimivo je, da imajo ljudje, ki trpijo za Alzheimerjevo boleznijo chemtrails_stops večjo količino aluminija v možganih
■ Etilen dibromidi - dibrometan - C2X4Br2 - rakotvorno gorivo in insekticidni dodatek, vonj je podoben kloroformu; povzroča depresijo CNS, pljučni edem in draži dihalno sluz; zdi se, da je vzrok za značilen kašelj – chemtrail kašelj, ki se pojavi pri ljudeh po škropljenju določenega predela
■ Dehidrirane človeške rdeče in bele krvničke - eritrociti in levkociti
■ Fibrozni filamenti – njihova vloga naj bi bila omogočiti določenim mikroorganizmom, ki se nahajajo v tej kemični mešanici, da živi pridejo do tal, saj bi jih normalne atmosferske razmere uničile. Tako lahko na območjih škropljenja najdemo rjave vlaknate pajkove niti, ki so zelo strupene
■ Virusi in prioni niso uradno potrjeni, o njihovi prisotnosti se le špekulira.
Chemtrails Report Srbija
Forwarded from Hidden History
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Forwarded from Wood-station Zebra
“History is a set of lies agreed upon’-Napoleon
Airships: a special kind of hidden military technology used to “bomb and burn” ancient old world buildings between 1850 and 1920?
The process of releasing military technology to the general public usually takes between 25 to 50 years depending on the country (and the tech), and it can vary significantly based on several factors:
-Acquisition and Deployment -Declassification
-Technology Transfer
The “Midnight Assassin” postcard (first image) commemorates the Airship raid on the East Coast, 6 June 1915, which killed 24 people and injured 40 more.
The basic idea of airships dates back to the 1780s where Lt. Jean Baptiste Marie Meusnier created some drawings depicting early models. It’s important to remember that none of these technologies are used without a trial & error period, where scientists and the military explore their full capabilities. Here are the facts:
-Early designs in 1780 probably based on ancient models
-Practical use attributed to Thomas Baldwin in 1910
- Successfully used in WW1 (1914-1918)
Is it possible that the “trial and error” phase and the first -unofficialmilitary use of these airships to explore their full capabilities happened during the so called “Great fires” that suspiciously razed multiple cities between 1850s and 1920s?
If that’s the case we will never know. We won't find this information in a book and no government agency or historical society will know or confirm this. It'll be classified information.
Civilians were not aware of them yet, nobody knew dropping bombs from the skies was possible. Little to no accounts will be found about this.
Is it possible this is how it happened and were approved for their eventual use in the war?
Work credit:IG_ oldworldHistoricalSociety
Airships: a special kind of hidden military technology used to “bomb and burn” ancient old world buildings between 1850 and 1920?
The process of releasing military technology to the general public usually takes between 25 to 50 years depending on the country (and the tech), and it can vary significantly based on several factors:
-Acquisition and Deployment -Declassification
-Technology Transfer
The “Midnight Assassin” postcard (first image) commemorates the Airship raid on the East Coast, 6 June 1915, which killed 24 people and injured 40 more.
The basic idea of airships dates back to the 1780s where Lt. Jean Baptiste Marie Meusnier created some drawings depicting early models. It’s important to remember that none of these technologies are used without a trial & error period, where scientists and the military explore their full capabilities. Here are the facts:
-Early designs in 1780 probably based on ancient models
-Practical use attributed to Thomas Baldwin in 1910
- Successfully used in WW1 (1914-1918)
Is it possible that the “trial and error” phase and the first -unofficialmilitary use of these airships to explore their full capabilities happened during the so called “Great fires” that suspiciously razed multiple cities between 1850s and 1920s?
If that’s the case we will never know. We won't find this information in a book and no government agency or historical society will know or confirm this. It'll be classified information.
Civilians were not aware of them yet, nobody knew dropping bombs from the skies was possible. Little to no accounts will be found about this.
Is it possible this is how it happened and were approved for their eventual use in the war?
Work credit:IG_ oldworldHistoricalSociety
Forwarded from The Globe Is DEAD!!!!🐻 (M1Bear🐻)
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Nathan Oakley - What Do You Think Atmosphere Means?💯💯🎯🎯🔥🔥