Zafar Sobitov 🪐
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📚Library: @libaryof (free
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Speaking Keith @zafarsobitovv.pdf
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I highly recommend this book for learning vocabulary for speaking and analyzing sample answers which are given in this book
😎Let alone

📌Bu bog’lochi speaking da ko’proq ishlatidi va ma’nosi naroqda tursin degani

📝let alone + noun / verb (ing)

❤️‍🔥I don't watch TV programs, let alone sports programmes

(Sport ko’rsatuvlari naroqda tursin, tv ko’rsatuvlarni ko’rmayman)

❤️‍🔥I can't afford a bike, let alone a car

(Mashina naroqda tursin, velosped sotib olishga qurbim yetmaydi)

❤️‍🔥I can't ride a bike, let alone drive a car.

📝Conjuctions mavzusi kuni sizga hammasini batafsil tushuntiraman
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Menga listening dan 6 dan 8,5 ga chiqishga yordam bergan podcast lar


🙂ESL podcast↙️

🙂All English↙️

🙂Mel Robbins↙️

🙂Fluency ↙️

🙂Muhammad Hijab↙️

🙂Jordan Peterson↙️

🙂Piers Morgan↙️

🙂Andrew Tate↙️


🙂Marc Anderson↙️
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Media is too big
January 1st
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📈Describing the time in graphs

1 st year

⚡️At the beginning
⚡️At the start

Beginning of the year

⚡️When the span start/commence/begin
⚡️When the time start/commene/begin
⚡️When the period start/commence/begin

Whole period

⚡️Over /throughout/within/during
👉 the span
👉the time
👉the period

⚡️From 2000 to 2010
⚡️Between 2000 and 2010
⚡️over a decade
⚡️Over a period of 10 years.
⚡️Throughout 10 years
⚡️Within 10 years
⚡️During a ten-year period, starting from 2000

Final year

⚡️In the final year
⚡️At the end
⚡️Ultimately ..
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Zafar Sobitov 🪐
Video message
' Sayr qilish’

🔰To stroll
🔰To take a stroll
🔰To go for a stroll


🔰 I'm taking a stroll with a friend of mine

🔰Whenever I am from my work and study , I go for a stroll
Grammar time

It + be + adjective + for + object + to verb (1)

adjective ( rare, common, unusual, normal , usual, )

Kim uchundir nimadir qilishlik .. hol

It is rare for children to be introverted while playing with their peers

It is common for grandparents to babysit their grandchildren when their parents are at work.

It is usual for me to get up late

Do people in your country are talkative?

Yeah it is common for people living in my country to talk on and on
Talaffuzda juda ko’p studentlar xato qilishadi. Chunki ko’p sound lar : th, swcha, ae va boshqalari o’zbek tilida mavjud emas. Sizga bitta youtube kanal tavsiya qilmoqchiman. Bu kanal sizga har bir sound ni talaffuzni maydlab tushuntirib beradi

Juda ko’p pronunciation da mistake lar qiladi ko’p studentlar chunki ko’p sound lar bizda yo’q masalan th, schwa, ae va boshqalar.

Men sizga bitta yaxshi youtube kanalni tavsiya qilmoqchiman.
Bu kanal sizga sound larni to’g’ri talaffuz qilishni maydalab tushuntirib beradi
🍔Vocabulary about “food”

🍗mild- og’izda eriydigan



🍪sugary- shakari ko’p

🍰sickly-shakari juda ham ko’p


🥘moreish-yegan sari yegin keladi

🍱heavy- hazm qilishi qiyin bo’lgan taomlar

🍲light meal-yengil taomlar


Uzbek meals are stogy

medium - o’rtacha pishgan
well-done - yaxshi pishgan

🧈go off-aynib qolish

The butter has gone off

🍔picky or fussy-tanlab yeydigan

My brother is a picky eater

I would rather die than verb (1)
-undan ko’ra o’lganim yaxshi

I would rather die than apologize her
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📚Bugun sizga bitta website ni bo’lishmoqchiman.

📋Cambrige kitobidagi hamma practice larni tugatganlar uchun ushbu saytda reading va listening larni yuklab olsangiz bo’ladi

📝Sizga bitta pdf yuklab ko’rsatganman⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️

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🙂One word from cause/effect wordlist

🗒to bring about

➡️Rampant corruption brings about the downfall of the government.

🗒lead to

➡️ Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.

🗒stem from

➡️Most people's insecurities stem from something that happened in theirchildhood.

🗒give rise to

➡️Heavy rains have given rise to flooding over a large area.

🗒result in

➡️Regular exercise can result in a general diminution in stress levels.

🗒contributed to

➡️ Several factors, including changes in diet and lifestyle, have contributed to the increase in childhood obesity.

🗒have a impact on

➡️Exam nerves often have a significant impact on student performance

🗒to be brought about

➡️High levels of crime are brought about by poverty
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Advanced Part 1 Ready.pdf
7.7 MB
Reading articles on a daily basis is one of the great ways to improve your reading skills. So here are some articles categorized based on their level of difficulty. Enjoy!
Bu gapga e’tiboringizni qarating

China’s people increased slowly

Ushbu gap ma’no jihatdan xato berilgan. Chunki aslida aholi emas aholi soni , miqdori oshishi mumkin.

Gaplarni quyidagicha to’g’irlaymiz.

🗒1)The number (countable)/ the quantify( countable/uncountable)/ the amount of (uncountable)/ +of/for +noun+ ning miqdori

➡️The number of people who lived in the China increased slowly in 2012

➡️The amount of time spent on leisure activities fell slightly in 2008.

🗒2) % percentage, proportion, contribution, share, rate +for/of+ning = ning ulushi/ foizi

➡️The proportion Chinese industry

➡️The rate of industry in/of/from/for china

🗒3)the indication/ the index/ the figure/ the indicator/ +of/for+noun= ning ko’rsatkishi

➡️The Chinese index for/of industry

➡️China’s indication of/for industry
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🙂Crowded placed

🗒Congested= tirband

➡️Most roads are cities are congested .

🗒packed - odamlar bilan to’la

➡️During rush hours , public transportation can be picked and crowded

🗒Crowd-shy person - ko’p odamlar o’rtasida o’zini noqulay his qiladigan odam

➡️I’m a crowd-shy person . That’s way I prefer to stay at home during holidays.

🗒Crowd-friendly person-ko’p odamlar bor joyni yoqtiradigan inson

➡️I have never been a crowd- friendly person , so I tend to avoid going to places where there are a lot of people

🗒to get caugh in a crowd- odamlar ko’p tirband joyda qolib ketish

➡️I got caught in a crowd during rush hours

🗒to navigate through a crowd- odamlar ko’p tirband joydan chiqib olish

➡️Last weekend, I had to navigate through a crowded market to reach the store

🗒teemed like a sardines- o’zini konserviya idishga solingandek his qilish

➡️The subway during rush hours teemed like sardines, making it challenging to move comfotably
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⭐️Talking about your friendship

🗒To have a heart- to-heart conversation = yurakdan suhbatlashish

➡️Whenever I am free from my work, I call up my friend and we have a heart-to-heart conversation

🗒To get together= yig’ilish

➡️At the weekend I get together with my friends

🗒To throw / hold a party = bazm uyushtirish

➡️I often get together with my friends and we throw a party

🗒To have a chit-chat = u yoq bu yoqdan gaplashish

➡️Yesterday I came across my old acquaintance and we had a chit-chat for a while

🗒To leave a good/ bad impression on me = yaxshi / yomon tassurot qolidirish

➡️Ali left me a good impression on me

🗒To stand out= ajralib turish

➡️Ali stands out from others with his sociable and chatty character

🗒When the chips are down= yomon kunlarda

➡️My friend stays beside me when the chips are down

🗒To have a lot in common = o’xshashligi bo’lish

➡️My friend and I have a lot in common music , sport, films and you name it

🗒To have lots of ups and downs= yaxshi va yomon kunlarni boshdan o’tkazish

➡️We had lots of ups and downs together

🗒To count on= suyanish

➡️I only have a handful of friends that I can count on
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The line graph compares how much money was earned by three bakeries in London form 2000 to 2010.

Overall, the amount of money earned by both Robbie’s Bakery and Bernie’s Buns increased considerably while the opposite was true for the takings of Lovely Loaves although it had the highest figure in 2000.

Robbie’s Bakery earned just under 60.000 in 2000, which was around 3 times more than the money earned by Bernie’s buns in the same year. For the next 5 years, the figure for the former remained stable whereas that of the latter grew significantly to around 40.000. Both figures had experienced considerable improvement to approximately 100.000 and 60.000 respectively by 2008. The earnings of Robbie’s Bakery reached its peak of over 100.000 in the final year.

By contrast, Lovely Loaves bucked the trend. After fluctuating for the first four years, the earnings of Lovely Loaves declined dramatically to just over 60.000 in 2005. Despite levelling off at this figure until 2007, it decreased significantly to 40.000 in 2010. =170 words
