Омузиши забони англиси ✍️
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Ҳамкорӣ: @zabonianglisii_admin

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Барои реклама, муроҷиат кунед:


📋 Салом гуфтан🤝

🔸Hello!/Goodbye! — Салом/Хайр
🔸Good morning! — Субх ба хайр

📋 Шинос Шудан

🔸What is your name? – Номатон чист?
🔸My name is… — Номи ман…
🔸Nice to meet you – Бо шиносои шодам.
🔸How are you doing? – Чихел шумо?
🔸Can you help me? – Ба ман кумак карда метавонед?

📋 Ифодахо

🔸Please/ Thank you – Илтимос/Рахмат
🔸Sorry – Бахшиш
🔸I dont understand – Ман нафахмидам.
🔸Please speak more slowly – Илтимос астатар гап занед.
🔸Could you repeat that? – Баргардонда метонидми?

📋 Пурсидан

🔸Lets go to…** — Биёед ...ба меравем
🔸Im looking for… — …ро кофта гаштиям
🔸Where is …? — … кучоба?
🔸How do I get to …? — …ба чихел равам мешад?
🔸How do you say that? – Мана инро шумо чи мегуед?
🔸How much is this? – Мана ин чанд пул меистад?
🔸Can I ask you a question? – Савол пурсам мумкин?

🔸I am from … — Ман аз …
🔸Can you help me practice English? – Бо забони англиси машкба кумак карда метавонидми?
🔸Could you write it down on paper- Инро ба когаз нависта метонидми?
🔸What does this word mean? – Ин калима чиро ифода мекунад?
🔸How do you use this word? – Ин калимаро чихел истифода мебаред?
🔸Did I say it correctly? – Рост гуфтамми?

📋 Вакт 🕚

🔸What time is it? – Соат чанд?
🔸This food is amazing! – Хурок хеле зур будааст!
🔸Need to go now – Ман акнун рафтанам лозим
🔸Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow – Имруз/Шабба/ Пагох
🔸Can you give me an example? – Ба ман як мисол гуфта метавонидми?
🔸Please wait a moment – Як дакика интизор шавед илтимос.

📋 Барои эьтиборро кашидан

🔸I am sorry to bother you. – Барои безовта кардосагим узр
🔸Does anybody here speak Russian? – Дар ин чо ягон кас бо забони руси гап назадми?
🔸I dont speak English very well — Ман бо забони англиси хуб гап зада наметавонам
🔸I speak English a little bit. – Ман бо забони англиси камтар гап зада метавонам.
Media is too big
📹 Why the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Don't Mix.

He released the two bodies of [fresh and salt] water. They meet,

yet there is a barrier between them they do not cross.

Surah Ar-Rahman [verses 19-20]
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'You may dislike something although it is good for you, or like something although it is bad for you: God knows and you do not.’

Surah Al-Baqarah [verses 216]
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📹To create, knowledge must be in the head.

📹Для созидания, знания должны быть в голове.

📹 Барои эҷод кардан бояд дониш дар сар бошад.

👉 @zaboni_anglisiii
سَامِحْ أَعْدَاءكَ لَكن لا تنسَ أسماءهم.

أنيس منصور

Душманонатро бубахш, лекин номҳояшонро фаромуш накун.

Анис Мансур

Good morning ☀️
Have a nice day friends 😊

Fasting the day of 'Arafah:

Abu Qatādah Al-Ansāri, radhiaAllahu 'anhu, narrated:

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked about the fast of the day of Arafah (the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah). He replied: "It expiates [the sins of] the preceding year and the coming year,” and he was asked about fasting on the day of 'Āshūrā (the 10th of Muharram). He replied: "It expiates [the sins of] the preceding year,” and he was asked about fasting on Monday, and he replied: "That is the day on which I was born, and on which I was sent (as a Prophet) and on which [the Qurān] was revealed to me."

- Reported by Muslim in his Sahīh
Virtues of the Day of 'ARAFAH

1) The most amount of people are freed from the hell fire on this day.

2) Allah عَزَّ وَجَــــل forgives people who have even little amount of believe in him.

3) The devil becomes angered and despondent due to the vast mercy of Allah عَزَّ وَجَــــل on this day.

Actions for the Day of Arafah

A) To Fast.
B) To do Dhikr.
C) To do Du'ā.
D) To do any good action.
Дуа в день 'Арафа Сообщается, что посланник Аллаха, мир ему и благословение, сказал: "Лучшим обращением (дуа) к Аллаху является обращение к Нему в день Арафата, а лучшими из тех слов, что произносил я сам и пророки, жившие до меня, являются слова: Ля иляха илля-Ллаху вахда-ху ля шарикя ля-ху, ля-ху-ль-мульку ва ля-ху-ль-хамду ва хуа 'аля кулли шайин кадирун!" لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَحْـدَهُ لا شَـريكَ له، لهُ المُلـكُ ولهُ الحَمـد، وهوَ على كلّ شيءٍ قدير Перевод смысла: Нет бога, кроме одного лишь Аллаха, у Которого нет сотоварища, Ему принадлежит владычество, Ему хвала, Он всё может.
Eid Mubarak to all of Омузиши забони англиси members! May Allah accept your good deeds and prayers, and grant you the strength and courage to overcome any challenge.🤲🤲

On this happy occasion of Eid may our channel and group be filled with peace, unity, and mutual respect. Let's celebrate this joyous day together and strengthen our bonds even further.

Today is the day when we must thank Allah for everything he has given us and ask for His forgiveness for everything wrong that we have done 🤍🍃
On this special occasion, I wish Allah opens for you the doors of success and prosperity Warm wishes and Eid Mubarak
Eid Mubarak everyone 🌙🌙❤️
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Барои реклама, муроҷиат кунед:
Омӯзиши забони англисӣ комилан ройгон, ҳамарӯза аз рӯйи китоб (📗Headway ё 📙Камянова). Дар як моҳ Шумо метавонед 999 калима ва 2 замони забони англисиро ёд гиред ва ин ҳама БЕПУЛ шитобед то ки фурсатро аз даст надиҳед. ОБУНА ШАВЕД ТО КИ ЗАБОНИ АНГЛИСИИ ХУДРО БЕҲТАР КУНЕД👇