YTDLnis Updates
1.59K subscribers
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Hey everyone. This channel will be used for new updates on the app whether being new features, bug fixes or new releases

Download Telegram
Added theme picker
v1.6.0 IS OUT NOW.

What's Changed
Added Restrict Filenames Preference
Added Shared File from the History Card Details
Fixed Command Templates Export/Import crashing on older devices
Improved Boot Up Times
Added Custom Command Templates, Shortcuts, Folder picker in Terminal Screen
Added Sponsor Block settings in the download card
Added Generic formats for audio tab, so that you can update them if you want
Fixed Custom Command Template not scrolling properly in the download card
Added Terminate Button with ability to remove the app from recents menu
Added Navigation Component
Added Command Chip filter in the History Fragment
Implemented ability to Cut Videos. (Multiple Cuts can be done)
Added ability to cut a video based on its internal chapters as well
Fixed Terminal text jumping
Added automatic format updates as soon as you click the format section (if the item/s have no formats)
Added Ignore Battery Optimizations
Added Range Picker in playlist bottom sheet
Added ability to stack search queries in the search view and push them all at once (u can mix links with queries or playlists)
fixed download logs text not being highlightable
fixed app not deleting some cached files
fixed filenames being too short
fixed sometimes error output not being shown in terminal output or large outputs
added keyboard focus when adding template in the terminal
added remux-video for audio
added copy url button similar to history card in the download card
fixed padding on cards
fixed configured download sheet not scrolling
Added contextual menus for main and history fragments
You can batch delete / download / share using them, select all, invert selected
Implemented Cookies feature with export/import functionality
Added preference to whether download without metered networks
Added export to clipboard for the terminal output
Added ability to download subtitles in a file. You can also write the subtitle language based on yt-dlp formatting
Added ability to choose your preferred search engine instead of just having youtube
Implemented ability to fetch common formats for all playlist items and choosing it for all of them (with this all formats will be updated for all items aswell)
Implemented tablet ui with a side navigation bar
Added ability to swipe right/left on download cards like queued,cancelled,errored,processing to delete or retry/redownload
Added ability to long press a format card to show its details
Added theme picker
Fixed bottom sheets not showing properly on tablets
and more
Added Preferred Format ID, so that the card will choose it as default format

If you write down the format id, it will take precedence against "Video Quality". If it doesnt find a format with that id, then it will use the "Video Quality" preference
If the audio has formats it will check if it has the id you put aswell :)
YTDLnis has a new release: v1.6.2
## New Features

- fixed app not updating when clicking the version nr in the settings
- implemented pause button in the notifications
- added ability to keep cached files even after the download is finished
- fixed searchbar not closing on back gesture
- Fixed tablet ui made it appear on 600dpi and up and other tablet touchups
- Fixed trending videos showing up when u try to update quick download item
- converted most activities to fragments and added animation of hiding and showing the navigation bar
- fixed app crashing when you leave the format card while its updating the format list
- added multiple pages for settings due to increased size
- added ability backup almost all elements of the app in a json file and restore them. [App Language restore might not work on some older models, so u will have to change it manually]
- hid navigation bar when opening search view and reshowing it when closing
- now updating download item data (if its quick downloaded) happens in parallel so u dont have to wait for that before it starts downloading [U have to, if u have download logs on since it needs the video title]
- Added Persian Language [Thanks persian\_translator]
- Added Socks5 Proxy Support

## Autogenerated Changes
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in

**Full Changelog**:

new beta
Forwarded from Denis Γ‡erri
uuh changelog

- I think i fixed pausing and resuming multiple downloads since it was doing some funky stuff
- added rewind button
- fixed play button appearing in cut section when the video is playing
- fixed add extra command not working in the command template edit screen
- removed "Downloading" word in the preferences screen. Its Downloads now
- Show terminal preference was reversed so now its in correct behaviour
- Fixed share card not showing up
- Added embed metadata preference. Turning it off will remove any embedding metadata and parsing metadata commands
Its suggested you backup your settings and history in case the app crashes on update, because this is a huge update.

What's New
Added Preferred Audio Format ID
fixed korean bad strings
fixed please wait card not showing up
fixed audio format using mp4 containers
added portugese language
added punjabi language
added greek language
fixed container not updating in multi select card
fixed swipe to delete bug in the queued section
added download now option when u highlight only scheduled items in the context menu
tapping on the errored notification will send you to errored tab, if you have logs disabled. If logs on it will send u to the log
added preferred format ordering. By ID, FILESIZE, CONTAINER. Formats grouped by container will also be sorted by filesize
fixed app not showing formats when u try to modify a current download item and its a different type (audio formats not showing if its a video type and vice versa)
fixed app showing generic formats in cases where the format length was the same as that of generic formats (silly mistake)
made the app store static strings for 'best' and 'worst' so that there isnt any confusion when u try to change the language and the stored downloads will have the other language's string
added collected filesize on top of the download queue
potentially fixed app not crashing when going to queued screen? idk
fixed app not moving files when its a fresh install and u havent tried to change the download path.
added download retries options [--retries and --fragment-retries]
made the download logs not freeze the app
download logs will work on quick downloaded items that were later updated
added app arch and build type in the about section
added "force-keyframes-at-cuts" preference
Added download type in logs
fix video not showing in cut screen. This depends on the streaming url
fixed xhamster not showing results
long press download button to save it for later and not schedule it. Also works when u try to queue multiple items
change app icon background based on theme
fixed bug when trying to redownload a history item and wanting to use a different type
made the scheduled item auto-update after its queued so the app doesnt have to update when it begins downloading
some fixes with output templates
fixed container and vcodec being saved with translated strings and not constants
added download thumbnail functionality. Click the result card in the middle and use the video player. Also observe running and queued downloads for that item
added feature to disable thumbnails on certain screens. U can choose of course
added feature to convert subs to different formats
added youtube music search provider
made app name have a color depending on the theme
fixed format card not showing a translated string on best and worst strings
added ability to hide the terminal from the share menu
fixed app killing active downloads when removing a queued item
fixed filename template not showing uploader on odysee
added orange theme (its like yellow but slightly darker)
fixed cookies not getting saved on older droids
fixed app making new folder instead of merging when moving files
added ability to put multiple preferred format ids separated by commas for both audio and video
added support for piped links and treat them like youtube links
fixed bug where if an item has no formats and you update audio formats and then go to video tab it will not show the video formats too
made from and to textboxes wider in the cut video screen depending on the timestamp length
added search engines in the search view
removed filename template override if the user leaves it empty. Now it follows the yt-dlp default
fixed app crashing sometimes when its tablet
added drag handle to scrolling content
added pause functionality [This is somewhat wonky because the YT-DLP python process doesnt finish quick enough. So dont spam pause resume]
made video player faster to load for youtube videos
Added option to turn off usage of cookies
some fixes with the cut screen
Added ability to save command templates as extra commands by default on every downloadcard/AddExtraCommandsDialog
fixed app not saving the proper youtube link and having to refetch data unnecessarily
fixed app scrolling in the tablayout in the download queue screen while you are dragging the vertical scrollbar
fixed app not destroying active downloads when you terminate the app
added rewind button in the cut section
fixed play button appearing in cut section when the video is playing
removed "Downloading" word in the preferences screen. Its Downloads now
Added embed metadata preference. Turning it off will remove any embedding metadata and parsing metadata commands
other small stuff
YTDLnis has a new release: v1.6.5
## What's New

- App can now be used as share method in Facebook Mod
- extracommand preference will be ignored in backups
- if you have command as preferred download type, it wont fetch info first even if you are not in quick download mode
- if you are in landscape the card doesnt show fully, fixed
- cookies import not working, fixed
- landscape video player in home screen fits better now
- fixed monochome icon being gone
- added yt-dlp auto update option in the settings
- fixed bilibili videos not working in normal mode
- added codec preference h264, h265, av1, avc, vp9
- fixed app not enabling ok button in the cut screen if you change the TO text box only
- added force keyframes at cuts switch in the cut screen
- Added 3 dots in multiple download card. It will have the configure chips in a separate card. Each will have a callback that will update all items in multiple download
- fixed start end textboxes showing truncanted text in playlist select card
- add ability to start a download now and put the rest of the queue behind it
- Scrollbar handle shrinked depending on size. Made it same size
- Fixed Tapping the notification of the errored download leading to the running tab instead of errored
- Set different icon for terminal in share menu
- ignored extra command preference in backups of command templates
- made preference titles be multiline if they are too long
- fixed cookies import not working from external sources other than the app
- fixed app using continue button for a split second when there are no paused downloads
- added state in home screen so that it wont populate trending videos while its searching for an item
- implemented batch downloads in a single worker to avoid bogging down the system with many work requests
- fixed instagram status that have multiple videos just using the first video
- fixed bilibili not working in normal mode
- fixed app overwriting files instead of adding (1) in the filename instead

## Notice

- development will slow down because i dont want to overcomplicate the app any further. Most what you want, can be done with extra commands, command templates or terminal. So use them as last resort.

## What's Changed
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in

**Full Changelog**:


# What's New

- added saved downloads in the settings backup
- made icon bigger in downloading notification
- fixed notification cancel and pausing not working
- fixed app respecting preferred home screen for downloads and more
- removed 000001 in the end of the file if the user has made only one cut
- removed log id from downloads if the user deleted the log
- fixed app crashing when it was listing logs with large texts
- fixed case: if the user had multiple preferred audio formats the app would choose the last one and not the first
- added ability to combine preferred audio formats by writing like 140+251,250. If the download item finds both first audio formats it will merge them together, otherwise get one of them that is available
- fixed app file transfer not working. (had to revert to hidden cache folder as downloads folder wasnt good for some phones)
- fixed app saving as mkv even though mp4 is set as container
- added shortcuts button to the commands tab so you can drop shortcuts to the current command.
- added syntax highlighting in commands tab textbox
- fixed tiktok videos not saving properly
- fixed open file intent
- added hindi language
- added croatian language
- added norwegian language
- added tamil language
- added telugu language
- added thai language
- added readme in azerbajani
- added
- added ability to show preferred audio / video format ids as a generic format in the format list if the item has no formats available
- fixed multi select dialog in the settings not having the same material color as the rest of the system
- fixed navbar being black and not the same color as main activity in the settings activity
- added license to the app info
- added security to the app info
- fixed app not converting subtitle formats
- fixed app retaining terminal state when going to landscape
- made log text stretch horizontally like terminal
- more small stuff

### Added ability to combine all possible combinations of preferred video formats, audio formats, codex and container.

- The app will consider all preferred video ids. For each of them it will consider preferred vcodec and extension. At the same time for each of those elements it will consider all preferred audio commands and/or audio merge. If the format is a generic quality like 1080p or 720p it will also consider that in the long format query. Also the app will add all combos of video + audio only. And all combos of all video + best audio. All video ids alone and best as final fallback. If the user chooses a proper format, the app will not be this descriptive. Preferred video id and audio id combos will only apply on a quick download or best quality generic download

### Added Download Scheduling

- When on the app will only download depending on the time period you have set
- If you turn off scheduling, the app will check for leftover downloads waiting and will immediately start them
- If you manually set a time to download, it will ignore the scheduling period. This period only applies to normal downloads that have no set download time
- The setting is in the downloading section

### Added ability to not use internal storage caching if you have all files access

- This is useful if you are downloading livestreams and u dont have to move files from cache in the settings anymore
- If u are having write permission errors, turn caching back on so the app will use transferring instead

## Autogenerated Changes
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in
* Create by @Qaz-6 in
* Update README-az.MD by @Qaz-6 in
* Portuguese translation by @inavled in
* Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in

## New Contributors
* @Qaz-6 made their first contribution in
* @inavled made