XRY UK Youth Rebellion
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12 photos
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85 links
This a broadcast groups for updates on youth actions and activities in XR UK
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Join XR Youth Oxford for a youth-led weekend occupation of the Oxford Westgate shopping centre

Why? Westgate is home to many corporations with appalling environmental and workers’ rights policies. We must rebel against these exploitative practices in order to build a just, post-covid world.

Adults are more than welcome to join and support the youth❤️

21st-23rd August:
From Friday till Sunday, we will occupy Westgate, aiming to stay there both nights. There will be a clothes swap (providing it is safe with COVID) and actions that will happen throughout the day. More details to come…

📱Join this chat to keep up to date📱

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://facebook.com/events/s/wake-up-westgate/304785674266301/?ti=icl

Safety reminder😷
To keep you, the public and your fellow rebels safe, we recommend you follow social distancing guidelines throughout this action and wear a mask. Please do not participate in this action if you, or a household member, has shown symptoms of COVID-19 two weeks beforehand. We may update this based on government guidelines.

We look forward to seeing you!
The national coordination circle are currently looking at a structure change to have regions for XRY local groups and to implement these into a wider circle. This would mean that the current national team act as a support for local groups. We'd love to hear your feedback as we will be reviewing this next monday (10th August). More details on this doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3FtsfBEEg_m2_y9sXpWIiiNj3DD_gHWzeWKFoBuFP4/edit?usp=sharing
If you could all give feedback either by commenting on the doc or by messaging me, that would be awesome. Please pass on to anyone within XRY UK 🙂
Dear beautiful rebels, we are asking every individual who is in XRY UK to fill in this form to give us an idea of the size of XRY 💚. If you could forward this to everyone within your local XRY group or just individuals you know who are apart of XRY but potentially not in a local group✌🏽🤙🏽. https://forms.gle/Vgg8xNNJ7LT91k1YA .
Forwarded from Rebellion Broadcast
Some useful links...

➡️ Facebook event: click 'going' and invite friends:

💰Crowdfunder: Donate and share:

👫Sign up to help out during rebellion:

🎨 Design pack: https://xrb.link/Rh0bsx7a

🌎 Invite people to this UK-wide broadcast:
Wales&South West Rebels: Join the Cardiff broadcast:
Northern Rebels: Join the Northern broadcast:
London Broadcast: Invite link: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFDhY--X3qKcRsivsQ

🏡 Accommodation sign up to host or be hosted: https://forms.gle/u1K4h7jwb7fmmtC36

🎥 Share the webpage and promo video:

Love & Courage to rebels all over the UK as we prepare for our biggest action of 2020!
Dear lovely Rebels,
Rebellions can be very intense: physically, practically, emotionally! In the run-up to the coming Rebellion, we will be doing lots of things to prepare ourselves: arranging transport, attending trainings, planning actions, etc. A really important part of preparing for the Rebellion is engaging with it emotionally. If we don’t give our feelings time and space, they can show up in unhealthy and toxic ways, especially in high-stress/intense situations. 

We will be hosting several 2 hour Emotional Resilience drop-in sessions over Zoom in the coming weeks. These will give us a chance to connect with other rebels from around the country; to share how we’re doing; to share insights and experiences with each other and to hype each other up! We can’t wait to get excited with you! 

You can sign-up as an individual, or get your whole group to come along! If you would like us to host a session specially for your Local/Affinity/Working Group, please get in touch and we’ll arrange a time that works for you!
So far the sessions we have available are Thurs (20th) and Fri (21st) next week 4-6pm. Sign-up links are here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RDiDgm21kUx6tfseaS09pVRmKCi_1KxN91NfTcSoPcU/edit?usp=drivesdk

Doctors of XR need volunteer ‘corpses’ for their rebellion action!

When: Wed 2nd Sep- 9.15am brief, action 10-11am
📍Where: Parliament Square (lawn)
🤷 What: A mass ‘die-in’ where you will be in a grid, covered with a sheet and issued a death certificate by a Dr with climate as cause of death


Thank you 😊
If anyone needs any financial support during the UK rebellion. This can be for travel or for rebellion expenses. If this is you please email xry.finance@gmail.com or message CJ on +44 7799 181527 via signal.

We found that the previous system of using emails wasn’t working so this is replacing that.

Please ask CJ before spending money as we may not be able to guarantee reimbursement.

Also make sure you get a receipt or invoice for any transactions.

Finally we ask that you all please submit requests before 25th September 2020 to allow us time to process everything.

Hope your rebellion is going well

XRY UK Finance Team & Budget Holders
Forwarded from Deleted Account
People coming to the Rebellion on Tuesday, if you want to help hold up the banners, be at St James's Park at 10:30am to march to Parliament Square, DM Xanthe (07501632853)
Forwarded from o⊂(◉‿◉)つ
*outside of st james park station
Due to complications, we have had to cancel the gathering at St James Park. Please do NOT attend.
📣Urgent Callout📣
Right now our woodlands are under direct attack. Front line activists have stopped HS2 in their tracks, but as the weather worsens and rebellion fever has taken hold, numbers are needed to hold the sites between London and Birmingham. Camps in some of the 108 ancient woodlands being destroyed by HS2 are under imminent threat of eviction and 'vegetation clearance'. This is a call out for radical activists who dont mind getting muddy to make their way to the camps up and down the line.
📍Activists at Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve have evidence of HS2 workers filling in badger and rodent burrows with concrete, cutting limbs off of trees containing bat roosts. They need art supplies, food and building materials, as well as people to create infrastructure and hold the site through the autumn and winter. Food provided, please bring bedding if you plan to stay! All are welcome 💚
📍Activists at Jones Hill Wood, Wendover have evidence of active badger sets and several species of rare bats roosting in the area, as well as adorable glis glis (large doormice!) living in their treehouses. These are the woods that inspired Roald Dahl to write Fantastic Mr Fox. The beautiful beech trees urgently need people who aren't afraid of heights to help keep them safe. Building materials and food are also welcomed by the camp! Food, climbing gear and accomodation can be provided. All those over the age of 16 are welcome (children welcome if they have parents with them) 💚 (This site is also a 5 minute drive from Wendover Active Reistance Camp on London Road!)
📍Activists at Poors Piece Conservation Project, Steeple Claydon have just finished building the most amazing living room, just in time for winter! Food and accommodation can be provided. All are welcome 💚
📍At the beginning of the year Denham Ford Protection Camp in Denham Country Park was a beautiful ancient wet woodland but recently chunks of trees have been lost to the HS2 land grabbing machine. Activists are expecting eviction imminently and desperately need support. Whether you're feeling confrontational or are actively non-violent, this site needs you. Food, accommodation and climbing equipment can be provided. All are welcome 💚 (This site is a 10 minute drive from Harvil Road Wildlife Protection Camp)

Get in touch with any of the following accounts for more details or directions to sites. We cannot afford to lose anymore biodiversity to HS2.
@hs2rebellion @roalddahlwoods @resisths2 @crackley.protection.camp @denham.ford.protection.camp @squiddley_dot_stophs2 @harvil_road_protection_camp

Come with your AG on Friday (meet at Marble Arch at 5pm) for a socially distanced meet up! Over lockdown lockdown we've been connecting local groups with the WeTheFuture project, and now is the chance for everyone to meet in person. Bring snacks for yourself and as many XRY banners as you can find.

#XRYouth #ExtinctionRebellion #RegenerativeCulture #RegenerativeCultures #climateaction #wtf #WeTheFuture #xry
Any rebels in London tonight, around 200 people have been arrested for being on a mass cycle ride after a kettle on Lambeth bridge. We know some young rebels are involved. If you are able to get to central London tonight please do so. We are going to need lots of police station support. Message CJ (+44 7799 181527 ) on signal if you can help and we’ll form a group chat to coordinate.
Forwarded from London Rebellion Broadcast

✊🏽 WE will NOT allow abuses of police powers to pass.

Following the racist arrest of a young black bystander in Parliament Square, repeated arrests without warning, threats of conspiracy charges made against two men pushing a boat named ‘Lightship GRETA’ after the teenage climate activist, from Brighton to London, we have put the Metropolitan Police on notice.

Police illegally surrounded and arrested 200 rebels on Lambeth bridge just now. A few cyclists blocked the bridge and the police surrounded the whole critical mass bike ride, saying every rebel was involved and would not let anyone leave. This included arresting Legal Observers, reporters and well being rebels.

This is an outrageous abuse of police power and unnecessary expenditure on their part, making the disruption last longer!! They are supressing our legal right to peaceful protest.

💻 So Digital Rebels! We need your keyboard warrior skills!


Please retweet Netpol and post messages of love and support on our XR Twitter, facebook and Insta accounts... the trolls are out!!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

We condemn as grossly excessive the Met’s communications, their policy and their policing on the ground.

Here is a statement from our legal and media teams: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/2020/09/03/were-not-having-it-extinction-rebellion-tell-the-police-stop-suppressing-peaceful-protest/

REBELS!!! We're going to need a lot of Police Station Support ❤️

Please go to tinyurl.com/pssmap, find your local police stations!



This is why we take to the streets. This is why we rebel.

Hello all! We hope you're all staying safe and well during the rebellion, it's been an inspirational couple of weeks. We're messaging to let you all know about the XR Youth Fundraiser we've just launched - we're getting back into the swing of growing and changing our movement, with new systems revolving around education, local group empowerment, solidarity and regenerative cultures. This is all incredibly exciting to us, and we're really looking forward to creating new tactics, visions and spaces ☀️☀️

However, we need your support. Pre-rebellion, many of our young rebels were paying out of their own pockets for direct action materials, zoom accounts, travel, and other essentials. This was hard to sustain, given that many of us are still in education, and cannot find time to earn this money between activism and homework. We've launched our fundraiser to help out with covering these costs, as well as to execute some more ambitions plans going forward. 💫💫

Anything that you can give is so appreciated. Please share this message far and wide for us! Thank you so much in advance 🌿🌿

Love and Rage,

XRY UK Fundraising team 💚💚

Hi everyone, we hope you are having some regen time post rebellion.

At the moment XRY UK still have money in the pot to spend on travel to or from the rebellion. If you do have some expenses that have not been reimbursed please email xry.finance@gmail.com, likewise if you did contact the finance team during the rebellion and haven’t had a reimbursement or if your local group printed things like posters or brought stuff for the rebellion send us an email.

If you can try and send an email by the end of the week otherwise we cannot guarantee a reimbursement

Please forward this to all your local groups

Love and rage
XRY UK Finance Team

🚨Attention XR Youth UK Local and Uni Groups 🚨

We would like to invite at least 1 person from each group to attend a zoom call on Saturday 10th October at 12 PM (midday) until 2PM. (Link below) 😁


We will be holding a workshop focusing on how XR Youth UK is structured, feeding back in a system that works in a decentralised manner, our 4 pillars and creating links up and down the country between groups. Most importantly we want to know what you've been up to and what support/guidance you need from the new National Support Team. 🙌

This will give us an idea on how to build the movement and is crucial in establishing an identity and purpose.

It does not have to be the external coordinator of your group, just anyone who is active who can feedback. If your group is no longer active or no members can make this call please email xryouth.systems@gmail.com.

We look forward to meeting all of you

The XR Youth National Support Team 💚

PS. Please forward this message to your local groups or any local groups who you think may not see this