Today, on the Anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople, Greek women and men, you are called to choose which path you will take in these dark times. The path of enslavement or the path of the Marble King? The choice is yours. Of course, you can sit at home and don’t fight the envious plans of the enemies of your Country and of course don’t help those who will Honor the Sacrifice of Constantine Palaiologos. You can sit idly and enjoy your coffee, your computer, the security of your home and generally the meaningless "goods" of your life. You can bow down, sit quietly and be obedient to the regime or you can choose to fight.
In an age where everything is crushed by money and materialism, in an age where the rulers and "wise men" of this state feed you with spiritual lotuses so that you forget your Homeland, Spitting on them and Remembering is an act of Resistance. To honor the Sacrifice of your Ancestors who sacrificed themselves for the unborn, is an act of Resistance. To stand proudly, holding high our Banners so that Greece will not be crushed once again under the Turks and the hateful crescent, is an act of Resistance. This is the way of the Marble King, this is also the hard way of the fighters of the Golden Dawn.
We, the Last Faithful, have already made our decision, following the hard paths of Legend and Myth, Blood and Honor. You;
In an age where everything is crushed by money and materialism, in an age where the rulers and "wise men" of this state feed you with spiritual lotuses so that you forget your Homeland, Spitting on them and Remembering is an act of Resistance. To honor the Sacrifice of your Ancestors who sacrificed themselves for the unborn, is an act of Resistance. To stand proudly, holding high our Banners so that Greece will not be crushed once again under the Turks and the hateful crescent, is an act of Resistance. This is the way of the Marble King, this is also the hard way of the fighters of the Golden Dawn.
We, the Last Faithful, have already made our decision, following the hard paths of Legend and Myth, Blood and Honor. You;
Youth Front
Today, on the Anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople, Greek women and men, you are called to choose which path you will take in these dark times. The path of enslavement or the path of the Marble King? The choice is yours. Of course, you can sit at home…
Forwarded from Србска Акција
Већ деценијама, атлантисти и исламисти заједнички спроводе театралну пропагандну лакрдију, којом обасипају јавност серијама лажи и монструозних конструкција, панично избегавајући сваку аргументовану полемику која би имала за циљ да утврди истину о ратним догађајима у Сребреници и средњем Подрињу. Јер управо је мит о наводном сребреничком геноциду над „бошњацима“, један од главних стубова пропагандне машинерије антисрбизма и један од неизоставних симболичких обележја евроунијатске србофобије и мондијалистичке индоктринације.
Са становишта озбиљне и аргументоване анализе о догађајима у Сребреници, написано је пуно, али сви гласови истине махом наилазе на зид медијског ћутања. Лажи србомрзаца, којима се настоји да се број убијених муслимана многоструко повећа, и та убиства потпуно изваде из контекста ондашњег оружаног сукоба, једино је пожељно штиво за исламисте и атлантисте - ђавоље слуге, које уједињује мржња према Христовом лику. Лику који сија кроз повест и сопство победничке и јуначке србске нације.
Са становишта озбиљне и аргументоване анализе о догађајима у Сребреници, написано је пуно, али сви гласови истине махом наилазе на зид медијског ћутања. Лажи србомрзаца, којима се настоји да се број убијених муслимана многоструко повећа, и та убиства потпуно изваде из контекста ондашњег оружаног сукоба, једино је пожељно штиво за исламисте и атлантисте - ђавоље слуге, које уједињује мржња према Христовом лику. Лику који сија кроз повест и сопство победничке и јуначке србске нације.
Youth Front
Већ деценијама, атлантисти и исламисти заједнички спроводе театралну пропагандну лакрдију, којом обасипају јавност серијама лажи и монструозних конструкција, панично избегавајући сваку аргументовану полемику која би имала за циљ да утврди истину о ратним догађајима…
(historic picture)1995 Golden Dawn member fighting in Bosnia together with our Serbian Brothers.
(historic picture)1995 Golden Dawn member fighting in Bosnia together with our Serbian Brothers.
Do you watch the news on TV and become disgusted?
Do you see communists or anarchists and can't stand their degeneracy?
Do you get angry with drug dealers walking around free?
Are you tired of being told about pay cuts by rich politicians?
Are you fed up with the professor who is full of hate for our nation and race?
You want your mother and sister to not be afraid to go out at night?
Do you watch the news on TV and become disgusted?
Do you see communists or anarchists and can't stand their degeneracy?
Do you get angry with drug dealers walking around free?
Are you tired of being told about pay cuts by rich politicians?
Are you fed up with the professor who is full of hate for our nation and race?
You want your mother and sister to not be afraid to go out at night?
Since 2020 Nikolaos Michaloliakos was held in Domokos maximum security prison under extreme conditions and subjected to deliberate deprivation of basic medical care that almost cost his life! Despite that, he never asked for a better treatment, not recognizing the authority of his persecutors!
But the establishment's plan to essentially assassinate its biggest political opponent inside his prison failed and N. Michaloliakos was rightfully released, under harsh restrictive conditions. This spread panic across the political system.
Today, an Appeals Council decided that N. Michaloliakos should be sent back to prison despite his obligatory release. Their reasoning is that the founder of Golden Dawn remains an unrepentant Nationalist, based on the political and ideological articles he published from inside his prison cell!
We can only be proud for the historic Leader of Greek Nationalism who proved again to be the main fear of the corrupted elites!
Read here the official Press Release of Golden Dawn (GR)
But the establishment's plan to essentially assassinate its biggest political opponent inside his prison failed and N. Michaloliakos was rightfully released, under harsh restrictive conditions. This spread panic across the political system.
Today, an Appeals Council decided that N. Michaloliakos should be sent back to prison despite his obligatory release. Their reasoning is that the founder of Golden Dawn remains an unrepentant Nationalist, based on the political and ideological articles he published from inside his prison cell!
We can only be proud for the historic Leader of Greek Nationalism who proved again to be the main fear of the corrupted elites!
Read here the official Press Release of Golden Dawn (GR)
Media is too big
𝖂𝖊 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖚𝖓𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖘 🇬🇷⚡️🏴
In the last few days, our website ANTEPITHESI.GR was subjected to an electronic attack in an attempt to stop the voice of the Youth Front on the internet. This is the third major attack that our technicians have successfully dealt with in the last few years, adding to hundreds of attempts every day. The IPs of some of the attempts have been traced to government buildings...
Once again, all they managed to do was keep some of the posts offline for a few hours.
In the last few days, our website ANTEPITHESI.GR was subjected to an electronic attack in an attempt to stop the voice of the Youth Front on the internet. This is the third major attack that our technicians have successfully dealt with in the last few years, adding to hundreds of attempts every day. The IPs of some of the attempts have been traced to government buildings...
Once again, all they managed to do was keep some of the posts offline for a few hours.
On Sunday Comrades met in the village of Stimaga in Corinth for the dark anniversary of yet another massacre of innocent Greeks from the communists. At the scene of the crime, in the 60s, a monument was created with the names of the 814 victims. Today, the names have crumbled and the monument lies deliberately abandoned by the local authorities. Member of the local Youth Front laid a wreath and all the Comrades at attention sang the National Anthem honoring the forgotten dead. Finally, in the streets of Corinth the presence of the black dressed Nationalists, guardians of the National Memory, demolished the lies about the dissolution of the Golden Dawn.
Actions throughout Greece have taken place for the release of the political prisoner N.MICHALOLIAKOS 🇬🇷⚡️🏴
(photos and more coming soon in
(photos and more coming soon in
“Ποιός είναι αλήθεια ελεύθερος
και ποιος φυλακισμένος;
Αυτός που χειροπέδες φόρεσε
δίνοντας μάχη για Ιδέες και ελευθερία ή όσοι μόνοι τους εφόρεσαν δεσμά για μία κάλπικη δημοκρατία;”
"Who is truly free?
and who is imprisoned?
The one who wore handcuffs
fighting for Ideas and freedom
or those who themselves wore shackles for an electoral democracy?"
και ποιος φυλακισμένος;
Αυτός που χειροπέδες φόρεσε
δίνοντας μάχη για Ιδέες και ελευθερία ή όσοι μόνοι τους εφόρεσαν δεσμά για μία κάλπικη δημοκρατία;”
"Who is truly free?
and who is imprisoned?
The one who wore handcuffs
fighting for Ideas and freedom
or those who themselves wore shackles for an electoral democracy?"
FREEDOM TO N. MICHALOLIAKOS: Actions of support against the criminalization of thought!
The re-imprisonment of the founder of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, is proof that the prosecution of the Nationalist Movement is pretextually criminal and entirely political. Against this governmental decision, Comrades carried out symbolic actions of support by hanging banners, using printed material and writing slogans at road junctions, squares of large urban centers and the countryside.
With the Youth Front at the frontline, the Golden Dawners gave yet another response to the criminalization of thought, standing alongside with those that remain ideologues and loyal to the Idea of Nationalism. The regime that attempts to suppress our Values with provocative decisions and unconstitutional prosecutions, will find us against it now and forever!
The re-imprisonment of the founder of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, is proof that the prosecution of the Nationalist Movement is pretextually criminal and entirely political. Against this governmental decision, Comrades carried out symbolic actions of support by hanging banners, using printed material and writing slogans at road junctions, squares of large urban centers and the countryside.
With the Youth Front at the frontline, the Golden Dawners gave yet another response to the criminalization of thought, standing alongside with those that remain ideologues and loyal to the Idea of Nationalism. The regime that attempts to suppress our Values with provocative decisions and unconstitutional prosecutions, will find us against it now and forever!
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𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖉𝖎𝖊,
𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖘 𝖉𝖔𝖓’𝖙 𝖉𝖎𝖊…
𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖘 𝖉𝖔𝖓’𝖙 𝖉𝖎𝖊…