Youth Front
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Golden Dawn, new generation 🇬🇷🏴(en)

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Tribute to Mircea Eliade

"The first act of any Legionnaire is an act of absolute freedom: he dares to free himself from spiritual, biological and economic slavery. No external factor can affect it. The moment he feels free, is the moment when all his fears and feelings of inferiority disappear. He who joins the Movement eradicates the fear of death once and for all."
Η ιδεολογία μας είναι η έκφραση της αιώνιας εφηβείας αυτού του κόσμου.
Our ideology is the expression of the eternal youth of this world.

For the Greek Nationalists, 1st of May is yet another symbolic reminder that in the Greece of xenocracy the right and left dichotomy in practice means nothing. On the contrary, the only real dilemma facing the modern Greek is Globalisation versus Nationalism!

Our Movement on the issue of illegal immigration is on the side of the Greek Worker, Farmer and Citizen. We are fighting for the definitive crackdown on corruption, the accounting control of the public debt and the liberation from the shackles imposed on the Motherland by the international usurers. We are fighting for a new National State, where the fields will be sown again, the tractors will work again, the Greek Industry will be reborn and the Greeks will buy Greek products. We fight to make National Protectionism a reality together!

Today 1st of May Youth Front in Athens and Thessaloniki carried out informative actions in the local neighborhoods. Stickers, leaflets, slogans and posters spread the Fighting message of the Golden Dawn, at the same time clearing degenerate propaganda of the enemies of the People and the Fatherland!

𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊
𝕳𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝕬𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖆
Capitalism and communism: the two sides of globalism

Therefore, both capitalism and communism are children of the same globalist "womb" . Indeed like all... siblings they may sometimes have "disputes", always at the expense of the peoples they oppress. However, if an opponent of their "mother doctrines" appears, as the Nationalist movements have been throughout time, then they remember their common origins and fight together against our Ideas.
Pontic Hellenism once again honored by the Youth Front!

With a modest but dynamic event, the Youth of Golden Dawn honored the memory of the victims, but also the resistance of the Pontic Greeks to the Turkish atrocities and the genocidal hordes of Kemal. Once again, we raised the meander in one of the working class neighbourhoods of Thessaloniki, where the heart of the Greek refugees from Anatolia beats strongly.

The real National Resistance of the fighting Hellenism continues, against liberal traitors of the left and right. With the Nationalist Youth on our side and the non-negotiable values ​​of our Nationalism as a beacon of our arduous struggle.
𝖂𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓 𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊 ⚡️
DOMINIQUE VENNER: 11 years since his voluntary death.

The death of Dominique Venner was a final sacrifice aimed at awakening the despondent French and Europeans to the destruction of our civilization.
Model of heroism, combativeness, courage and dignity, he will be a bright example for the future generations of the Europe we dream of, a free Europe of Nations, which himself had dreamed of and fought.

"L'avenir nous appartient!" (The future belongs to us).
"Μακάρι να αποδειχθούμε και εμείς αρκετά άξιοι ώστε τα ονόματά μας να αντηχούν στις πορείες των πραγματικών Ελλήνων. Και αν χρειαστεί να χύσουμε το αίμα μας, ας πέσει στην άψυχη άσφαλτο, για να ποτίσει το σπόρο του γένους και ν’ ανθίσουν στο δρόμο οι Ήρωες. Και αν μείνει ένας από εμάς στο κόσμο του σκότους ας κρατήσει το βλέμμα του ψηλά και δάκρυ από τα μάτια του ούτε μισό μην πέσει, μα να θυμάται αιώνια τα λόγια του πατέρα του Αυξεντίου αφότου αναγνώρισε τον νεκρό γιό του: “Να μην μας βλέπουν οι σκύλοι να κλαίμε!


"May we also prove ourselves worthy enough so that our names will be shouted in the marches of the real Greeks. And if we have to shed our blood, let it fall on the road, so that the seed of the race may be watered and Heroes may flourish on the road. And if one of us remains in the world of darkness, let him keep his gaze high and not even half a tear fall from his eyes, but let him eternally remember the words of Auxentius father after he recognized his dead son: "The dogs should not see us crying!

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖞𝖑𝖊 🇬🇷⚡️🏴
Julius Ebola: Men among the Ruins

"The book "Men among the ruins" was first published in 1953, a few years after the great war in which the ideas and forces that we see shaping the modern world had completely prevailed. The purpose of its publication was to serve as an intellectual and political guide to those starting a new effort in the Italian political scene against liberalism and Marxism, exposing ideas that were forbidden by the victors. It described an organization of life and society based on the eternal values ​​of Tradition adapted to today's reality, outside the supposedly opposite dipole of liberalism and communism.

The book that has been offered to the reading public for years through the rich publishing work of Golden Dawn. This unique work is available at the nationalist centre ΣΑΡΙΣΑ as well as on order via e-mail at
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Today, on the Anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople, Greek women and men, you are called to choose which path you will take in these dark times. The path of enslavement or the path of the Marble King? The choice is yours. Of course, you can sit at home and don’t fight the envious plans of the enemies of your Country and of course don’t help those who will Honor the Sacrifice of Constantine Palaiologos. You can sit idly and enjoy your coffee, your computer, the security of your home and generally the meaningless "goods" of your life. You can bow down, sit quietly and be obedient to the regime or you can choose to fight.

In an age where everything is crushed by money and materialism, in an age where the rulers and "wise men" of this state feed you with spiritual lotuses so that you forget your Homeland, Spitting on them and Remembering is an act of Resistance. To honor the Sacrifice of your Ancestors who sacrificed themselves for the unborn, is an act of Resistance. To stand proudly, holding high our Banners so that Greece will not be crushed once again under the Turks and the hateful crescent, is an act of Resistance. This is the way of the Marble King, this is also the hard way of the fighters of the Golden Dawn.

We, the Last Faithful, have already made our decision, following the hard paths of Legend and Myth, Blood and Honor. You;
Већ деценијама, атлантисти и исламисти заједнички спроводе театралну пропагандну лакрдију, којом обасипају јавност серијама лажи и монструозних конструкција, панично избегавајући сваку аргументовану полемику која би имала за циљ да утврди истину о ратним догађајима у Сребреници и средњем Подрињу. Јер управо је мит о наводном сребреничком геноциду над „бошњацима“, један од главних стубова пропагандне машинерије антисрбизма и један од неизоставних симболичких обележја евроунијатске србофобије и мондијалистичке индоктринације.

Са становишта озбиљне и аргументоване анализе о догађајима у Сребреници, написано је пуно, али сви гласови истине махом наилазе на зид медијског ћутања. Лажи србомрзаца, којима се настоји да се број убијених муслимана многоструко повећа, и та убиства потпуно изваде из контекста ондашњег оружаног сукоба, једино је пожељно штиво за исламисте и атлантисте - ђавоље слуге, које уједињује мржња према Христовом лику. Лику који сија кроз повест и сопство победничке и јуначке србске нације.