<Still Alive>
2 May 2022
早排確診期間,可能因為對屋企嘅想念,有感自己嘅信念、意志基石有所動搖,一直loop一些why me等等嘅假設性問題,而當然答案是不會有的,只有不斷loop的情緒漩渦。
而將我從牛角尖拯救出來的是一本書,一本相當出名嘅書(可能好多朋友都有聽聞過),但我依然想喺到開心share,而呢本書係《Man‘s Search for Meaning》by Viktor E. Frankl。作者係一位survived咗多個納粹集中營嘅professor of Neurology and Psychiatry,本書係比較spirituality類型嘅書本,其實本身我自己對spirituality嘅書興趣都不太大,但因為對二戰歷史特別有興趣,所以選擇開始睇呢本書,而絕對地out of my expectation,睇完呢本書為我本身極其混亂嘅思緖帶來內心嘅peace,有一種平靜嘅感覺。當中有一段特別想quote出嚟分享(其實精彩嘅實在有太多段,要揀一段出嚟都係係個困難嘅task)。
// What was really needed was a fundamental change in our attitude toward life. We had to learn ourselves and, furthermore, we had to teach the despairing men, that it did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life - daily and hourly. Pur answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual. //
Sor for 1999
2 May 2022
早排確診期間,可能因為對屋企嘅想念,有感自己嘅信念、意志基石有所動搖,一直loop一些why me等等嘅假設性問題,而當然答案是不會有的,只有不斷loop的情緒漩渦。
而將我從牛角尖拯救出來的是一本書,一本相當出名嘅書(可能好多朋友都有聽聞過),但我依然想喺到開心share,而呢本書係《Man‘s Search for Meaning》by Viktor E. Frankl。作者係一位survived咗多個納粹集中營嘅professor of Neurology and Psychiatry,本書係比較spirituality類型嘅書本,其實本身我自己對spirituality嘅書興趣都不太大,但因為對二戰歷史特別有興趣,所以選擇開始睇呢本書,而絕對地out of my expectation,睇完呢本書為我本身極其混亂嘅思緖帶來內心嘅peace,有一種平靜嘅感覺。當中有一段特別想quote出嚟分享(其實精彩嘅實在有太多段,要揀一段出嚟都係係個困難嘅task)。
// What was really needed was a fundamental change in our attitude toward life. We had to learn ourselves and, furthermore, we had to teach the despairing men, that it did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life - daily and hourly. Pur answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual. //
Sor for 1999