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Tiflis. Vank Cathedral

Year: 1903-1917

Coordinates: 41.69779,44.804357
Shooting direction: East

Initially, there was a church on this site that existed here until the XVI century.
Later, an Armenian cathedral was built on the ruins of the church that existed here. According to the inscriptions on the wall of the temple in 1750 and 1788, the temple was repaired, but already in 1795 the city was destroyed by the Persians and the temple needed restoration. In the first half of the XIX century, the bell tower of the temple was restored (it is just visible in the photo).
In Soviet times, by order of Beria, the cathedral was demolished. Now only the bell tower remains, and school No. 104 is on the site of the cathedral.

Тут будет площадь Героев

Год: 1935

Координаты: 41.714378,44.783894
Направление съёмки: юго-запад

На заднем плане видно Тбилисский государственный университет имени Иванэ Джавахишвили  основанный в феврале 1918 года.
There will be a Heroes' Square

Year: 1935

Coordinates: 41.714378,44.783894
Shooting direction: Southwest

In the background you can see Tbilisi State University named after Ivane Javakhishvili was founded in February 1918.

Дом неимущих имени Н.Е.Зубалова. Вид главного фасада

Год: 1906

Координаты: 41.701252,44.792221
Направление съёмки: юго-запад

Известный предприниматель, общественный деятель и меценат Николай Е. Зубалов (Зубалашвили), умирая в Ницце, оставил по духовному завещанию все свое имущество в размере двухсот семидесяти тысяч рублей Тифлису. Его последней волей было расходование этой суммы на постройку богадельни. Городской Думой была выбрана комиссия, которая рассмотрела проект, представленный архитектором М. Оганджановым, и в 1902 г. началось строительство «Дома для неимущих». Стройка закончилась в 1906 г.

К сожалению сфотографировать дом с той же точки не удалось, так как на месте фотографа сейчас находится другое здание, попасть в которое не удалось. Но тем не менее здание показалось интересным.
The House of the poor named after N.E. Zubalov. View of the main facade

Year: 1906

Coordinates: 41.701252,44.792221
Shooting direction: Southwest

A well-known entrepreneur, public figure and philanthropist Nikolai E. Zubalov (Zubalashvili), dying in Nice, left all his property in the amount of two hundred and seventy thousand rubles to Tiflis according to a spiritual will. His last wish was to spend this amount on the construction of an almshouse. The City Duma selected a commission that reviewed the project submitted by architect M. Ogandzhanov, and in 1902 the construction of a "House for the Poor" began. Construction ended in 1906 .

Unfortunately, it was not possible to photograph the house from the same point, since there is now another building in the photographer's place, which it was not possible to get into. Nevertheless, the building seemed interesting.

Просп. Чавчавадзе у Университета

Год: 1949

Координаты: 41.709284,44.776196
Направление съёмки: северо-восток
Avenue. Chavchavadze at the University

Year: 1949

Coordinates: 41.709284,44.776196
Shooting direction: Northeast