World Vision Singapore Prayer Channel
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Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness.
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.
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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

In a year that has been unsettled by conflict, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been essential for us to hold fast to Christ as the reason and source of our security, hope, and joy.

It is my sincere hope that this Christmas will serve as an opportunity for you and your loved ones to celebrate afresh our Father's love in Christ and His unfailing ability to save.

Please also remember the vulnerable children and families whom we serve in your prayers during this season. Christmas will no doubt look and feel very different for the baby born in a refugee camp, the girl who doesn't know when she can return to school, the boy who sleeps with a rifle next to him, and the family who doesn't know when their next meal will come. Pray with us that they too may be blessed with the knowledge of God's hope and love, and of His promise to bring peace, restoration, and renewal through all that He has accomplished in Christ.

On behalf of all of us at World Vision Singapore, let me wish you a Merry Christmas. May this be a joyful season for you to remember and celebrate how our Lord Jesus Christ came into the world as light, so that whoever believes in Him may not remain in darkness (John 12:46).

Lilian Chung
National Director
World Vision Singapore
26 Dec

Prayer for Singapore 🇸🇬

For many of us, Christmas has provided a valuable opportunity to share Christian hospitality with loved ones who don't yet know their Father in Heaven, and to introduce them to the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Whether through invitations to Christmas services, festive meals with family and friends, or heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones about the fear of isolation or the purpose of living as we reflect on the end of the year, God has mercifully blessed us with the privilege of planting seeds of biblical hope during this Christmas season in the lives of those whom He has brought us into relationship with.

Today, let us pray that God may continue to water and nourish these seeds, so that all who have heard the gospel of Christ for the first time this Christmas may come to know the hope, peace, and love that God graciously offers through His only begotten Son.
27 Dec

As we begin this week, let us meditate on these words of encouragement. Today’s reflection comes from World Vision Philippines.
Exodus 33:15
“Then Moses said to Him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”

Moses was convinced that without God’s presence in his life, it was useless for him to attempt anything. When he spoke face to face with the Lord, he was saying, “Lord, if your presence is not with me, then I’m not going anywhere. I won’t take a single step unless I’m assured you’re with me!“

Moses knew it was God’s presence in Israel that set the people apart from all other nations. This is true for us as believers today. The only thing that sets us apart from the world is God’s being “with us” – leading us, guiding us, working His will in and through us.

Today, let us pray for God to quieten our hearts, as we take a moment to come before Him and dwell in His presence. Pray for God to grant us the same deep desire as Moses for His presence to lead and guide us in everything that we do and seek to embark on in 2022.
28 Dec

Every child deserves clean and safe water. Clean water facilitates proper sanitation and reduces the spread of diseases, which kill nearly 1,000 children below the age of five every day. With clean water close by, children like Muriana (pictured), from Ende, Indonesia, are freed from the burden of walking miles and hours daily to fetch water, giving her time to go to school and realise her full potential.

World Vision does not just provide water and sanitation infrastructure, but also works alongside communities to empower them to maintain these facilities on their own. In addition, by educating community members on proper household sanitation, families learn how to maintain better hygiene practices. Unfortunately, 785 million people around the world today still do not have basic access to water.

Today, pray for God to purify, protect and multiply water sources in communities around the world, so that even more people will be able to fully enjoy the benefits of clean water.
29 Dec

Each year, a total of 175 million children are affected by climate-related disasters. The land in Rajasthan, India, had become scorched because of the lack of rain for three years. It was during this period that World Vision conducted a plantation sensitisation programme, by giving children saplings to grow and nurture at home.

By planting these seeds of hope, children like Radha (pictured) and her brother learnt the importance of protecting and conserving the environment. To help their parents, who are farmers, the siblings decided to grow plants and trees that bear fruits and vegetables.

Today, we thank God for moving a generation to lead a green revolution, for 81.5% of saplings World Vision had given out in four of the fifteen villages are alive and thriving, and an average of 23 kilograms of fruit is being procured by each family. We pray for God to enable communities to nurture their environment and thus benefit from sustainable solutions for building livelihoods and overcoming poverty.
30 Dec

On her way home from school, some men made lewd comments at Shamima from Bangladesh (pictured above), despite her urging them to stop repeatedly. Her harassers were not prepared for what happened next as Shamima, who had started taking Karate and Wushu lessons a couple of weeks earlier, defended herself until she chased the men away. Under the Shahosh (courage in Bengali) initiative by World Vision in Bangladesh, 145 girls aged 11-16 years old from remote villages, like Shamima, were equipped through a six-month self-defence training course to develop their mental and physical resilience.

Today, pray for the Shahosh initiative to empower the 1,200 schoolgirls who will be receiving training in martial arts, as well as the 3,738 boys and girls participating in Life Skills Based Education, which includes teaching on healthy gender attitudes. Pray also for greater awareness of sexual assault in Bangladesh, and the incorporation of healthy gender attitudes as part of every child’s holistic education.
31 Dec

As the year draws to a close, we remember God’s goodness and faithfulness in a particularly challenging 2021. Since March 2020 when the pandemic broke out, World Vision has been responding to the devastating impact of COVID-19 in more than 70 countries, with the aim of providing targeted support to the most vulnerable people and to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Our global COVID-19 emergency response has reached over 72 million people so far, including 31 million children.

And every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.
(Hebrews 3:4)

Today, give thanks with us for God's provision and favour in both our emergency response operations as well as those of our ministry co-workers and field partners, for He is the builder of everything, and establisher of our work. We thank God for the opportunity to partake in His work, and to bear witness to His love in the lives of the most vulnerable children, families, and communities around the world.
1 Jan

Today is the first day of 2022!

As we embark on a fresh start in 2022, let us pray that the church's love and passion for God's ministry to the poor and vulnerable, in its many expressions in Singapore and around the world, may be renewed.

At World Vision, our faith in God gives us hope that restoration and renewal are possible even in the most difficult places, as lives are transformed and relationships are healed.

For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.
(Psalm 100:5)

Pray with us for every ministry worker in World Vision, and every donor, community, and organisation we partner with. May God’s power be at work in us and do far more than we dare ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) for the sake of every child.

Pray also that the work of the wider church in 2022 may be a vessel of God's abundant love to a dark and desperate world. May we be bold witnesses to the good news of His Kingdom through our lives, words, and deeds.
2 Jan

Prayer for Singapore 🇸🇬

According to the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study, which has been following 4,355 children (aged 2-9) from 3,018 families since 2018:

- 10% of families had someone who lost a job during the pandemic.

- Almost three in 10 families said they did not have savings of at least one month of their family's income.

- 9.8% of those interviewed were either sometimes or often worried about food insecurity during the pandemic.

Lower-income families with young children have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic on these fronts; and home-based learning, requiring the use of a computer or a tablet, has placed children from poor families at a greater disadvantage.

Today, please pray for economically vulnerable children and families in Singapore who have borne the brunt of the pandemic's impact on their livelihoods, the difficulties of adjusting to home-based learning, and the stress arising from disruptions to childcare arrangements and family routines. May they know the Lord's provision in their need, His peace in their anxiety, and His loving guidance when they may not know where to turn to for help.
3 Jan

As we begin this week, let us meditate on these words of encouragement. Today’s reflection comes from World Vision Philippines.
Daniel 1:8,19

But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the royal rations of food and wine [...] And among them all, no one was found to compare with Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore they were stationed in the king’s court.

The story of Daniel and his friends demonstrates courage fuelled by faith and shows that God greatly honours those who stand up for Him, especially when it is hard to do so. Despite being taken as war prisoners in a foreign land with foreign gods, Daniel resolved that he would remain faithful to God - even if it meant endangering his life. With humility, he continued to live in ways that pleased God and respectfully but firmly refused to compromise his faith. God honoured Daniel’s faithfulness and granted him favour from the king and a prestigious position of leadership.

Today, let us pray for God to grant us the same boldness and humility that Daniel exemplified, so that we may trust firmly in His faithfulness and His sovereign control of every situation, and be empowered to be witnesses for Christ.
4 Jan

Over 192 million people are unemployed and an estimated 1.7 billion adults are unable to access banking services. Most of the world’s extremely poor are smallholder farmers, vulnerable to weather and economic uncertainties.

World Vision Malawi’s Building Secure Livelihoods approach aims to equip and empower families with financial resilience by training them to manage money and start saving. Ireen (pictured above) has undergone this training and is now helping other families to save hundreds of dollars each year too.

Today, pray that with the Building Secure Livelihoods approach, the cycle of poverty will be broken for the most vulnerable by strengthening families’ capacity to provide for their children's future amply and sustainably.
5 Jan

La Gonâve was one of Haiti’s most food-insecure regions. Poor spring and fall harvests between 2017 and 2018 left about 40,000 people at risk of a severe food crisis. In response to the extreme food insecurity, World Vision, in partnership with USAID, started implementing an Emergency Food Security Program providing 5,000 families with food vouchers of US$50 for 12 months. The program relieved families such as Westa’s (pictured above) of the burden and stress of finding their next meal.

Today, pray for God’s mercy to be upon the families in La Gonâve, and in Haiti more broadly, so that they can rise above the adverse circumstances brought on by natural disasters and political instability. Pray that God will establish the ongoing emergency response work and community development projects of World Vision in Haiti so that the community will have the resilience to recover from the impact of harsh living conditions on food security and child well-being.
6 Jan

In Cambodia, there are an estimated 10,000 – 20,000 street children working in the streets. Due to the weak enforcement of child-centred laws and policies in urban centres, street children there are highly vulnerable to abduction and exploitation. World Vision initiated the Street Children Transformation Project to strengthen community structures that keep girls and boys from living and working on the streets, including formal and community-led child protection mechanisms. The project also provided older street children and their families access to economic opportunities by engaging them in vocational skills training.

Today, please pray for the protection of Cambodia's street children, whose challenges are compounded by inadequate social services and law enforcement. Pray also that the children would come to experience God’s love, and know that they are precious in His eyes. May He open the way for them to pursue fruitful and wholesome lives off the streets.
7 Jan

In an unprecedented era of misinformation, conspiracy theories, and confusion, faith leaders play a pivotal role at the forefront of World Vision's COVID-19 response efforts, particularly in identifying and supporting the most vulnerable children and young people in their communities.

As part of our COVID-19 response efforts, World Vision has partnered with more than 124,000 faith leaders to disseminate accurate health information in care and prevention campaigns. They have also been equipped to proactively correct misinformation about COVID-19.

Today, we thank God for the unique and critical role these faith leaders play in sharing accurate messages and engaging within their communities to address harmful or unhealthy practices. We thank God that they have been faithful in reaching out to their communities, for their contribution is essential in the fight against the pandemic.
8 Jan

Since the pandemic began in Zambia, 16-year-old Kampamba (pictured above) has seen an increase in students struggling with teenage pregnancies, sexual abuse and defilement cases in his community. It was also difficult for teenagers his age to acquire soap and face masks to protect themselves from the pandemic. Moreover, with the closure of schools, the likelihood of child violence also increased as more children stayed at home during this period.
To protect his friends and community against COVID-19 and abuse, Kampamba and his team raised awareness about COVID-19 and prevention measures within their school. Using the skills obtained from World Vision Zambia’s training, Kampamba also reached out to communities about the importance of protecting children from abuse. Today, Kampamba and his team continue to work closely with their community leaders to protect the villagers against violence while also reinforcing safeguards against COVID-19.

Today, pray for youths like Kampamba, who are inspired to become agents of change in their community. Pray for God to use the voices of youths to advocate for a better world, for children and people in every place.
9 Jan 

Prayer for Singapore 🇸🇬 

In Singapore, migrant workers are an integral part of the workforce and have made immense contributions to the country, particularly in the local construction industry and the manufacturing sector. 

However, migrant workers often have to work long hours in hazardous conditions. In the first half of 2021, the rate of workplace injuries was a cause for concern, with 193 injuries per 100,000 workers. In recent months, there were also calls to cease the practice of ferrying migrant workers in the backs of lorries after cases of death and injury among migrant workers in lorry accidents.

The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself.
(Leviticus 19:34a)

Today, please pray that concrete steps will continue to be taken to review and improve the working conditions of migrant workers so as to minimise workplace accidents, safeguard their rights, and ensure their mental and physical well-being. May they be comforted by God’s presence and the care of His church whenever they grapple with loneliness, anxiety, and restrictions brought on by the pandemic.
10 Jan

As we begin this week, meditate on these words of encouragement. Today’s reflection comes from Jemimah Muturi, who serves in World Vision International.

Proverbs 10:9
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.

Romans 14:12
So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

Ephesians 4:25
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body.